Massage therapy to relieve stress, headaches

Massage therapy can be effective for a variety of conditions, especially stress and headaches. Full body massage brings a feeling of relaxation, improves circulation and effectively relieves headaches.

1. Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is an action-based approach to the body. Body tissue is manipulated to promote flexibility, and this is one of the effective ways to relieve stress and headaches. The full body massage to bring a feeling of refreshment and reduce stress. In 2006, the US population was 39 million, according to a nationwide survey by the American Massage Therapy Association, one in six adults received a massage at least once.
Mary Beth Braun, President of the American Massage Therapy Association says, “Americans are looking for more than just relaxation. Massage therapy can be effective for a variety of conditions, including headaches, stress, anxiety, arthritis, lower back pain, insomnia, circulation problems, and injury recovery sports ".
When you can't go to the massage therapists, you can still massage yourself to get the many benefits of this age-old healing method with your own hands. Simple self-massage that can be done at home, combining the best gentle and pressure massage effects that massage has to offer.Order a home massage for yourself or someone you love to boost energy. You can also use massage therapy at night to relax and sleep better. From there, you'll see the benefits of massage therapy for stress relief are just a step away. start.

2.Massage therapies

In addition to effective headache relief, massage therapy can also reduce stress and many other problems such as:

2.1 Massage therapy to soothe tired eyes

Dale Grust, President of the New York Chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association, said: “This method is great for tired eyes from looking at the computer for too long, it helps circulation to the area. this area and relieves sinus pressure, eyestrain, and headaches.” The steps include:
Close your eyes. Place your thumb under the eyebrow, starting at the inner corner of each eye socket. Press with moderate force and gently move the thumbs in small circles, slowly working towards the outside of the eyebrows. Then continue this movement around the eyes and finish at the bridge of the nose. Repeat the above movement a few times, spending a little more time in the depression of the inner eye socket, where the bridge of the nose meets the eyebrow, one of the particularly vulnerable spots for many people.
Masage mắt là cách giảm đau đầu hiệu quả
Masage mắt là cách giảm đau đầu hiệu quả

2.2 Massage therapy to relieve headaches and stress

Start by placing your thumb on the cheekbone near the ear, press with the tip of the thumb with light pressure and rub the temples (the soft spot between the corners of the eyes and the ears). Use strong pressure with small circular motions. Then, gradually move your fingers up along the hairline, until the hands meet in the center of the forehead. Perform a full forehead and scalp massage.

2.3 Massage therapy to relax hands

Hand massage therapy is not only good for the hands, but it can also help with headaches. Just like the feet, the hands contain acupressure points that correspond to the entire body, including the head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, neck, and sinuses.
Here are some moves that will relieve the stress of typing all day.
Extend your hand and fingers outward. Massage each finger from root to tip, gently pulling and twisting each finger. Next, place your left hand, palm facing up, resting your hand on your thigh. Squeeze the muscle of the palm between the right thumb and index finger, moving from the wrist to the base of the thumb. Now squeeze the middle of the left index finger several times, looking for any soft spots. Then, rub the entire palm with the right thumb, continuing to press firmly and gently from the wrist to the base of each finger. Repeat this massaging process on your right hand.

2.4 Massage therapy to relieve neck tension

While you are working or sitting in front of the computer, put your hand over your shoulder. Exhale and release your head as you slowly press your fingers toward your palms, pulling the muscles in your back and shoulders toward your neck. Next, rest your elbows on the table, allowing your head to slightly forward. Use your fingertips to massage the neck from the shoulders to the base of the skull to form small circles deep into the muscles on either side of the spine. Place both hands behind the head area and interlace the fingers. Tilt your head forward and let the weight of your elbows gently pull your head down. Stretch the muscles in your neck and the muscles that run down your back.
Giảm đau đầu hiệu quả bằng bài tập vai
Giảm đau đầu hiệu quả bằng bài tập vai

2.5 Massage therapy to loosen tight shoulders

To perform this exercise you will need a tennis ball or a solid rubber ball.
Start in a standing position and about 18 inches from the wall, feet hip-width apart. Move into a partial squat with your butt against the wall. Lean forward, placing the ball behind your back and level with your shoulders. Slowly stand up, one inch at a time, while pressing against the wall and letting the ball roll slowly down the muscles along the edge of the spine. Stop when you find the pain point and wait for the pain to subside. Repeat the movement in reverse order, slowly sitting down in a squat and letting the ball move back up over your shoulder muscles. Then, do the same on the other side, move the ball to the other side of your body and repeat the same slow massage.

2.6 Massage therapy to release the lower back

Massage therapy to release the lower back is performed as follows:
Stand up straight and place your hands on your waist, thumbs behind and fingers facing forward. Gently press your thumbs into the muscles on either side of the spine, but be careful not to press on the spine itself. Press your thumb as you move in a very small motion, up, down and around in a small circle. Take extra time to find the sore spot and make sure the force of the impact doesn't cause pain. Move your thumbs gradually, one inch at a time, up the sides of your spine so that your hands can comfortably reach them. Then, gradually move down the back and press on the sacral surface of the sacrum.

2.7 Massage therapy to soothe tired feet

Start with your left foot on the back of a chair so you can see the top of your foot. Using your right thumb, apply very strong pressure along the edge of your foot, massaging from heel to big toe. Move your thumb over each toe. When reaching the big toe, use the thumb and index finger simultaneously to squeeze and twist along the entire surface of the toe. Do a separate massage of each toe until you return to the big toe. Take all the toes with one hand and stretch them back and forth, flexing and flexing. While supporting the top of the left foot with the left hand, use the knuckles of the right hand to apply deep pressure across the entire surface of the sole, working from the heel to the toes and back. again. Bend, extend toes and extend feet, while doing a few ankle rotations. Repeat the whole process above with the right leg In short, massage therapy is one of the effective ways to relieve headaches, massage brings a sense of relaxation, blood circulation in the body. If massage therapy doesn't ease the pain, contact your doctor to find out the cause and get the right treatment. Self-massage should never be substituted for appropriate medical treatment.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Reference source:
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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