What is the effect of the earthworm?

In Traditional Medicine, Soil is often used as a valuable medicine because it can cure many diseases of both adults and children. Dermatological, musculoskeletal or endocrine diseases can all be used for treatment. So what exactly does the earthworm plant do?

1. Characteristics and how to recognize sorghum plants

Soybean tree, also known by the name mango, draft chrysanthemum, basil, mountain gourd, ... is a plant belonging to the daisy family. In agriculture, this is a wild plant that grows very strongly and is easy to find in many places.
Sai land is a line of herbaceous plants, often crawling on the ground with a green stem with the characteristic that the trunk grows wherever the roots grow. The leaves grow close to the tree, symmetrical positions. The leaves are strongly serrated, coarsely hairy on both sides, almost without stalks, and oval in shape at both ends.
In some localities, the land will be cut off to eat as a raw vegetable, in others, the soil will be grown for ornamental purposes. Sai Gon is usually harvested during flowering and has many different effects.

2. What is the effect of the plant?

In Traditional Medicine, groundnut has a lot of nutrients beneficial to the body, curing many common diseases. Sai land has cool properties, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, has a sweet and sour taste that is quite easy to eat. Soil contains dimethyl wedelolactone, norwedelic acid along with a lot of inorganic salts and a large amount of essential oils. Most especially, the plant contains triterpen saponins, which have the same effect as the saponins found in ginseng. Some of the uses of the plant are listed as:
Treatment of heat rash: If you wonder, what is the effect of bathing in the soil? One of the most typical benefits is the treatment of heat rash in children. To treat heat rash in children, you need to crush a handful of clay to boil water to bathe children. Bathing the area with heat rash and then combining it with the residue to gently rub on the heat rash can not only help the itch but also prevent measles. Note that after using the soil, you must bathe with clean water and dry the baby's body. Thanks to its coolness as well as its ability to clear heat and detoxify, it is also used as an acne treatment food. Using soil in combination with a number of other traditional medicines to decoction drinking water every day along with a combination of bathing with earthen water can help treat acne quickly. Better yet, you can use crushed clay to cover the pustules to help reduce acne faster. Clearing heat and eliminating toxins: Use the plant as a raw vegetable, wash it and eat it every day. Combine with meat, fish, and other foods to ensure full complement of nutrients to help clear heat, detoxify the liver, and keep the body cooler. You should only eat a maximum of 100g to 200g per day to get the best effect, without causing side effects.
Trị mụn bằng công nghệ Nano Skin có làm da bắt nắng không
Cây sài đất trị mụn do có tính mát và khả năng thanh nhiệt giải độc

3. Some simple remedies from the earthworm plant

Can use the soil in many forms such as drying, fresh or cooked to suit each purpose. But with each different disease, it should be combined with each other drug to create a suitable remedy, achieving the best effect.
Pimples: Combine 30g of earth with 12g of earthenware, 10g of horse's head, 12g of dandelion and 10g of washed honeysuckle. Then put it all into a warm pot of medicine to drink while taking a bath, it will help pimples quickly disappear. Cystitis : Combine 35gr of earthworm, 20gr of dandelion with 16gr of ground licorice, 20gr of plantain and then boil with 1 liter of water. Sharpen with medium heat until about a third is left to stop. Filter the water and use it to drink after lunch and dinner. Hepatitis: Combine 20gr of earthworm, 20gr of ground reishi with 12gr of ground licorice with 20gr of honeysuckle boiled for water. Sac take about 200g of juice divided and drink it 2 times a day, each time 100gr after a month of persistence will help purge some hepatitis. Influenza: Combine 10gr of earthworm, 10gr of marjoram, 30gr of honeysuckle with 10gr of perilla, 10gr of ground licorice and 3g of Sinh Khuong leaves, 2g of meninga with 4 cups of water. Cook gradually with low heat until half is left, divided into 2 times and drink all day. Do it continuously for 3 days to help cure the disease. For a better effect, you can use earth with perilla, marjoram, and chrysanthemum to heat people to help relieve colds. For more information and benefits of other medicinal plants that are good for health, you can refer to the website of Vinmec International General Hospital.

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