Menopause age? How to treat male menopause?

The article is expertly consulted by Master, Doctor Le Phuc Lien - Urologist - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital. The doctor has more than 12 years of experience in the field of urology and specialized urology.

Male menopause is a syndrome characterized by a lack of testosterone levels in the blood, causing many meaningful changes to men's health and quality of life. So when does male menopause begin? How to treat male menopause?

1. Understanding male menopause

Male menopause is a term that refers to a decrease in testosterone levels in the male body. This is a biochemical syndrome associated with advanced age and is characterized by a deficiency in serum testosterone levels. This syndrome can lead to significant changes in quality of life and adversely affect multi-organ function. Men entering menopause have symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, short-term memory loss, irritability, depression, decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction that can adversely affect quality of life. quality of life and health status of patients. In addition, male menopause also causes disorders of the cardiovascular system, common manifestations on the heart such as heart palpitations, or palpitations, erratic blood pressure; respiratory disorders such as dyspnea at night, loud snoring; muscle tone is reduced, so they are lazy to exercise, easily tired, and bones are easily broken; fat is formed more and accumulates causing obesity syndrome, especially abdominal obesity; Dehydrated and wrinkled skin, creating wrinkles.

2. Men's menopause

Men from the age of 50 onwards begin to decrease testosterone levels in the body. Signs of menopause will occur continuously and gradually increase with age. However, each person will have different signs and levels of testosterone decline and there may be cases of early male menopause.
Mãn kinh có gây trở ngại sinh hoạt tình dục không
Ngoài độ tuổi 50, nồng độ testosterone trong cơ thể suy giảm ở nam giới

3. Diagnosis of male menopause

The gold standard to determine male hypogonadism is to test the amount of testosterone in the blood falling below normal (normally, the amount of testosterone in the blood is: 10-35 nanomol / liter). The test should be done in the morning. Biochemical tests to evaluate the function of the whole body organs. People with metabolic syndrome such as: Hyperlipidemia, diabetes, ... have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, sexual dysfunction, ... higher than the average person. Imaging tests (ultrasound, X-ray) for the diagnosis of other diseases and differential diagnosis. Hormone tests are mainly reproductive hormones: LH, FSH, prolactin, estradiol, testosterone to look for endocrine disorders.

4. How to treat male menopause?

To treat male hypogonadism, the currently appreciated method is using testosterone replacement therapy. This method works to reduce uncomfortable symptoms and improve quality of life. However, this testosterone supplement therapy is only suitable for people with testosterone deficiency because the body is unable to produce it on its own. Therefore, only use the drug when directed by a specialist, self-medicating can lead to unwanted consequences. Before taking testosterone supplements, it is necessary to do tests such as liver function, kidney function, prostate ultrasound.
Liệu pháp bổ sung testosterone này chỉ thích hợp cho những người bị thiếu hụt testosterone do cơ thể suy nhược không thể tự sản xuất được.

5. Advice for men in menopause

With age, sexual activity generally declines, but libido and sexual ability may remain. Sex is a normal and natural physiological activity, and older people need to realize their sexuality and feel more comfortable. In addition, elderly men also need to have a scientific diet, fortified with nutrients, especially foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna, which helps reduce male libido and is good for the heart. In addition, it is necessary to increase fruits and vegetables in the daily diet, especially tomatoes, because this is a fruit rich in lycopene, which is very useful for the prostate gland and male reproductive system. Limit the use of alcoholic beverages and stimulants.
Increasing physical activity helps the body to be supple, the muscles are toned, prevents atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol in the blood, in order to prolong the fullness of the body.

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