Chamomile porridge has a cold effect?

Chrysanthemum vegetables, also known as green vegetables, are grown in all parts of Vietnam. Chrysanthemum vegetables have a delicious taste and a very rich nutritional composition, which is good for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by cold weather. The article will guide you to make chamomile porridge to help relieve colds effectively.

1. Chrysanthemum vegetables from the perspective of Eastern medicine

In Oriental medicine, chrysanthemum is classified as a food with the function of digestion, good taste, clearing fire, peace of mind. At the same time, chrysanthemum also has a characteristic flavor with sweet, slightly bitter and aromatic taste.
With these features, chamomile can be used to treat long-term cough, treat eye pain or use chamomile for cases: Poor digestion, sore throat, bronchitis ...
With the popularity of chrysanthemum vegetables, this vegetable is often used to cook soup in every family's meal. Moreover, chrysanthemum is also used as medicine to treat diseases in folk. The remedies using chamomile are quite simple and effective.

2. Some healing uses of chrysanthemums

Chamomile porridge to relieve cold Chamomile porridge is used for people with cough, fever, and cold. Therefore, chrysanthemum porridge is classified as cold porridge. Use a sufficient amount of chrysanthemum vegetables, then wash and dry. Next, cut the pieces into the bowl and pour the hot porridge into the bowl for 5-10 minutes. Then mix spices for the patient to eat to relieve colds.
Cure cough in children Use the recipe with 6 grams of finely chopped chrysanthemum, then add a little honey and bring this mixture to steam. Finally, decant the water and give the child to drink several times a day to reduce the child's cough.
Cure persistent cough Chamomile is used in the amount of 100-150 grams along with 200 grams of pig's lungs. Then cut into pieces and cook soup with these ingredients. Using both the broth and the water in this soup helps cure a persistent cough. This dish can be used for about 3-4 days for a course of treatment.
Cháo cải cúc
Cháo cải cúc có nhiều công dụng như chữa ho, đau nhức đầu, giải cảm,...
Cure chronic headaches Use 15 grams of chamomile, decoction, and drink several times a day. In addition, combining heated chamomile leaves on the top of the head and temples will help relieve headaches. This method can be used at the time of headache or in the evening every day before going to bed.
Chrysanthemum soup cooked with carp This dish is used to help the elderly or children with symptoms such as indigestion, less urination, fatigue. With the effect of supplementing the spleen and stomach, except for low phlegm, neutralizing, diuretic, relieving cough, reducing the condition of hot liver, dizziness... Cabbage cooked with scad fish with a little wine, oil sesame, salt and pepper... Cabbage cooked in soup with carp helps to reduce health-related conditions of the elderly and children.
Chrysanthemum soup with sesame head This soup has the effect of alerting the mind, combating fatigue as well as picky eating, and the body's poor resistance to cold. Chrysanthemum soup with Sesame head has the effect of neutralizing, spreading the cold, curing cough, sputum, headache, dizziness, nausea, poor digestion, weakness, then this soup is very effective for the elderly and the elderly. mind worker.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

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