Eating before sleeping good or bad?

Many people believe that should not eat before bed to avoid weight gain. On the contrary, some experts say that eating a snack before bed will effectively support weight loss, improve sleep quality... The truth is that the impact of eating before bed is not the same for each person. depends on many other factors.

1. Should you eat before going to bed?

Many people believe that eating late at night can cause weight gain because the body's metabolism usually slows down when you go to sleep. This will increase the amount of calories stored as body fat.
However, some nutritionists say that eating before bed is perfectly fine, and can even help improve sleep quality and support your weight loss plan.
In fact, the body's metabolic rate at night is almost as high as during the day. Your body still needs a large source of energy during sleep. In addition, some evidence also shows that more calories are consumed before bedtime than at any other time of the day.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of eating late and then sleeping

2.1. Advantages of eating late and then sleeping

Here are some drawbacks of eating late at night :
Leads to unhealthy habits Eating before going to bed is more likely to cause weight gain, this is because snacks can provide an extra dose significant calories for the body. Not only that, the evening is also the time of day when some people tend to feel the most hungry, thereby promoting calorie intake in excess of daily needs.
1 Some people also have a habit of enjoying a late night snack while working on a laptop or watching television. These habits can be a major contributor to weight gain.
Plus, many people also become extremely hungry before bed because they don't eat enough during the day. This extreme hunger can cause you to overeat before bed and not feel like eating for breakfast the next morning. Over time, this repetitive habit can lead to weight gain, so it's best to eat a balanced meal throughout the day.
Not good for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common condition today. It usually occurs when stomach contents, such as acid, back up into the throat.
1 Some typical symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, include: Difficulty swallowing, heartburn, chronic cough, laryngitis, tumor in throat, worn teeth.
If you have any of the symptoms listed above, you should avoid eating before bed because lying down can make you more prone to acid reflux.
ăn trước khi ngủ
Ăn trước khi đi ngủ có nhiều khả năng bị tăng cân, điều này là do bữa phụ có thể cung cấp thêm 1 lượng calo đáng kể cho cơ thể.

2.2. Disadvantages of eating late and then sleeping

Although eating late at night is not a really healthy habit, it can provide the following benefits:
Helps with weight loss Some evidence suggests that, instead of causing weight gain, snacking Before going to bed can help with weight loss. Eating a well-balanced snack after dinner instead of constantly snacking can help you control your appetite, thereby preventing the risk of overeating.
Improve sleep quality Getting enough sleep is extremely important for your health. Eating before bed can help you feel more relaxed, making it easier to fall asleep.
Helps stabilize blood sugar in the morning In the morning, your liver will start producing more glucose (blood sugar) to provide the necessary energy for the body to enter the new day. However, in people with diabetes, their bodies won't produce enough insulin to manage blood sugar, causing blood sugar to be high, even if they haven't eaten anything since the night before.
In addition, some people may experience low blood sugar at night, affecting sleep quality. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should talk to your doctor about adjusting your blood sugar control medication more appropriately.
ăn trước khi ngủ
1 số người cũng có thói quen thích ăn nhẹ vào ban đêm trong khi làm việc trên laptop hoặc xem tivi. Những thói quen này có thể là tác nhân chính dẫn đến tăng cân.

3. People with GERD should eat how many hours before going to bed?

Ideally, people with GERD should avoid eating anything at least 3 hours before bedtime in the evening.
Also, avoid consuming caffeinated beverages, alcohol, tea, chocolate or hot spices. Most of these foods can make GERD symptoms worse.
However, for many people, it is completely normal to have a snack before going to bed. In fact, there is no specific recipe for a perfect late-night snack, but you need to keep the following in mind:
Do not consume high-sugar desserts or snacks like ice cream. , cakes and chips before going to bed. These foods are often high in unhealthy fats and added sugars, which stimulate cravings, causing you to exceed your daily calorie needs. Eating before bed won't make you gain weight unless you avoid consuming high-calorie foods. If you like it sweet, you can eat a few berries, nuts or dark chocolate as a substitute for other sugary foods. In short, whether to eat before going to bed or not depends on each individual. However, you should not eat unhealthy foods or eat too many calories before going to bed. In general, most people can have a healthy snack before bed.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

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