How can a vegetarian diet ensure nutrition?

A sensible vegetarian diet is the way to meet nutritional needs in a healthy way. The article will provide relevant information to build a nutritious vegetarian plan.

1. Learn about vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is a popular trend these days. There are many reasons to choose a vegetarian diet such as health benefits, such as a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. However, some vegans rely too heavily on processed foods that are high in calories, sugar, fat and sodium and may not be eating enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains and calcium-rich foods. nutrients are not provided. However, with a planned vegetarian diet, it is possible to meet the nutritional needs of people of all ages, including children, adolescents and pregnant or lactating women. It is important for us to be aware of our nutritional needs in order to plan a proper diet.
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2. Vegetarian diets

When we talk about a vegetarian diet, we usually think of a diet that doesn't include meat, poultry or fish. But the reality is that there are many different vegetarian diets, and each type of vegetarian has different exclusions:
The Lacto vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish, poultry and eggs, as well as eggs. foods that contain them. People following this vegetarian diet will eat dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter. The Ovo vegetarian diet excludes meat, poultry, seafood, and dairy products, but allows eggs. The Lacto-ovo vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish and poultry, but allows dairy products and eggs. The Piston Diet excludes meat and poultry, dairy and eggs, but allows fish. The vegetarian diet excludes meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products - and foods containing these products. Some people follow a semi-permanent diet — also known as a flexitarian diet — which is primarily a plant-based diet but includes meat, dairy, eggs, poultry, and fish in small amounts.

3. What should a healthy vegetarian plan ensure?

Calcium and vitamin D
Calcium helps build and maintain strong bones and teeth. Milk and dairy foods have the highest calcium content. However, dark green vegetables such as turnips and greens, kale and broccoli, etc. are good plant sources when eaten in sufficient quantities.
Vitamin D plays an important role in bone health. Vitamin D is commonly added to cow's milk, some brands of soy and rice milk, and some cereals and margarines.
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Vitamin D thường được sổ sung từ các loại sữa động thực vật

Vitamin B-12
Vitamin B-12 is essential for making red blood cells and preventing anemia. This vitamin is found in animal products, so it can be difficult to get enough B-12 in a vegan diet. People who eat a vegan diet may not find a vitamin B12 deficiency because their diet is rich in a vitamin called folate, which can mask a vitamin B-12 deficiency until a problem occurs. serious. For this reason, it's important for vegans to consider vitamin supplements, vitamin-rich cereals, and soy products.
Taking a daily vitamin mineral supplement that provides adequate amounts of the above nutrients is another way to ensure adequate nutrition. If you follow a vegan diet, you also need to understand the concept of additional protein. Plant foods are high in protein, but their amino acids are incomplete. So, to make sure you get enough protein, combine eating different plant foods - for example, by eating beans with rice.
Protein helps maintain healthy skin, bones, muscles and organs. Eggs and dairy products are excellent sources of protein and should be provided in moderation. The body can also get enough protein from plant-based foods if we eat a variety throughout the day. Plant sources include soy products and meat substitutes, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds and whole grains.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for heart health. Diets that exclude fish and eggs are often low in omega-3 fatty acids. Canola oil, soybean oil, walnuts, and soybeans are good sources of essential fatty acids.
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Iron and zinc
Iron is an important component of red blood cells. Dried beans and peas, lentils, cereals, whole grain products, dark green vegetables and dried fruit are good sources of iron. Because iron is not readily absorbed from plant sources, the recommended amount of iron for vegetarians is almost twice as much as that recommended for non-vegetarians. To help your body absorb iron, eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, and broccoli, at the same time you are eating foods that contain them. iron.
Like iron, zinc is not as readily absorbed from plant sources as from animal products. Cheese is a good choice if you eat dairy products. Plant sources of zinc include whole grains, soy products, legumes, seeds, and wheat germ. Zinc is an essential component of many enzymes and plays a role in cell division and protein formation.
Iodine is a component in thyroid hormone, which helps regulate metabolism, growth and function of vital organs. Vegetarians may not be getting enough iodine and may be at risk for deficiency and possibly even goiter. In addition, foods like soybeans, cruciferous vegetables, and sweet potatoes can promote goiter.

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