How does drinking more water help you lose weight?

Water acts as the source of human life. Besides the effects such as: enhancing metabolism, detoxification, moisturizing ... water is also appreciated in weight loss. More than 50% of adults in the United States try to lose weight by drinking lots of water. So how does drinking more water help you lose weight?

1. How does drinking more water help you lose weight?

According to experts, drinking water helps the body burn a significant amount of calories and reduce body weight. Specifically:

1.1. Drinking water burns more calories

In adults, drinking plenty of water increases calorie burn by 24–30% within 10 minutes at rest. This process should take at least 60 minutes. To support this, another study found that overweight and obese children increased their energy expenditure by 25% when drinking cold water.
Overweight women when drinking more than 1 liter of water per day for 12 months will help to lose at least 2 kg. Even for women who do not follow any weight loss regime, except drinking a lot of water also brings certain effects.
In addition, the above studies also show that drinking 0.5 liters of water has the ability to burn 23 calories.
Uống nước giúp giảm cân
Uống nước sẽ đốt cháy nhiều calo hơn

1.2. Drinking water helps reduce body weight

It has been proven that overweight people who drink 1-1.5 liters of water per day for a period of several weeks have significantly reduced weight, BMI and waist circumference, as well as fat in the body. This effect will be enhanced if you drink cold water instead of warm water. Because when drinking cold water, the body is forced to use extra calories to warm the water up to body temperature.
At the same time, drinking water before meals can reduce appetite, especially in the elderly, the effect of drinking water before meals is appreciated. In fact, they can lose an extra 2 kg in a 12-week period if they maintain this habit. In addition, overweight and obese middle-aged people who drank water before each meal lost 44% more weight than the group that did not drink much water.
SEE ALSO: Can drinking cold water lose weight?

1.3. Drink lots of water to prevent weight gain

Normally, a person will gain an average of 1.45 kg after 4 years. To prevent excessive weight gain, you should maintain drinking plenty of water by:
Increasing your daily water intake to 1 cup can reduce this weight gain. Replacing a drink with calories and sugar with another drink can reduce weight loss by 0.5 kg in 4 years. Children are advised to drink water to prevent being overweight or obese. Some places have encouraged children to drink water by installing drinking fountains in 17 schools and teaching classroom lessons on water consumption to 2nd and 3rd graders. As a result, after one school year, The risk of childhood obesity was reduced by up to 31% in these schools.
MORE: How do Japanese people drink water?
Đồ uống nhiều đường
Đồ uống nhiều đường sẽ gây tình trạng tăng cân nhanh

2. How much water should you drink?

Experts recommend drinking 8 cups of water equivalent to 2 liters of water per day. However, the amount of water consumed per day depends on many factors and can vary from person to person.
For example, athletes and manual workers who sweat a lot need to drink more water than sedentary people. Elderly people and nursing mothers also need to ensure the amount of water loaded into the body.
You can get water from a variety of foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, meat, fish, milk, especially fruits and vegetables.
As a general rule, you must immediately replenish water when the body shows signs of thirst. If you have headaches, a bad mood, are constantly hungry, or have trouble concentrating, it could be a sign of mild dehydration. Drinking more water will help improve the condition.
In addition, you should not drink too much water because it can cause water poisoning. This has even been fatal in severe cases such as in water drinking competitions.

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