How to eat to support your immune system?

The immune system plays a natural defense role in human health against invading agents such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi. At the same time, the immune system also helps to repair damaged cells and prevent cancer. So how to eat will help increase your immune system effectively.

1. How to effectively strengthen the immune system

The best thing you can do to boost and enhance your immunity is to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Getting enough sleep, staying physically active and having a nutrient-rich diet can all help during cold and flu season. When it comes to diet, there's no solid evidence linking a particular food to preventing colds and flu. However, there are certain foods that are important for supporting a healthy immune system.

2. Choose foods that help improve immunity

What is good for the immune system? Brightly colored foods can help fight the flu.
Eating a variety of brightly colored fruits and vegetables can ensure you're getting the ideal amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to support and help boost your body's healthy immune system. Aim for 2 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables per day.
Tips to increase your vegetable intake in your daily diet:
Add chopped carrots, celery and bell peppers to sauces and casseroles when onions and garlic brown. Add spinach and mushrooms and sauté until the end of the cooking time. Cooking a larger batch and freezing individual portions for quick lunches and dinners will save you time. Vegetable soup can make a quick and delicious meal. Make a large pot over the weekend to use over the next few days for lunch and dinner. Add lentils for more protein and fiber and choose a reduced-salt variety to keep salt to a minimum. Keep frozen veggies in your freezer for a convenient way to add veggies to your meals without much prep. Frozen vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh vegetables and do not contain the extra sodium that canned vegetables often do. Tips to increase your fruit intake in your daily diet
Add fruit to your breakfast - try chopped pears and dates in porridge or cereal. Make a breakfast smoothie by mixing bananas, berries, wholemeal crackers, and milk. Keep a bag of frozen berries in your fridge for inspiration - add to yogurt and pies for an antioxidant boost. Fruit makes a great morning or afternoon snack at work. At the beginning of the week, take a few pieces together and store them in the refrigerator for the week.
Nâng cao khả năng miễn dịch
Thực phẩm có màu sắc tươi sáng có thể giúp bạn nâng cao khả năng miễn dịch
Some green vegetables and fruits should be chosen:
Citrus fruits: in the nutritional composition of these fruits there are about 25,000 phytonutrients including hesperidin which is known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol . When using fruits of this family will help prevent diseases. Mushrooms: Mushrooms are rich in the vitamins riboflavin and niacin that help keep the immune system healthy. Moreover, the composition of mushrooms also contains selenium, which is an essential nutrient for the body. Bell peppers: contain quite a rich vitamin C component. In addition, there is also Potassium and vitamin A. These nutrients are quite effective in boosting the immune system. Garlic: Garlic is known for its content of relatively effective immune system boosters including compounds such as: Manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium, and fiber. Moreover, garlic also belongs to the group of powerful anti-viral herbs. Studies show that up to 63% of people who eat garlic recover faster and are less likely to relapse than those who don't.

3. Nutrients that support your immunity

3.1. Zinc Zinc is important for the normal growth and functioning of the cells and antibodies in our body, i.e. our immune system.
Immune system foods with good zinc content such as: Meat, fish and poultry - the main dietary sources of zinc but whole grains, fortified cereals, nuts and foods Milk also contributes a significant amount.
It is best to get zinc from dietary sources as supplements can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients such as iron and copper. In general, the absorption of zinc from diets rich in animal protein is greater than from vegetarian and vegan diets. If you follow a vegetarian/vegan diet, check with your doctor or an Accredited Practicing Dietitian to see if you are getting enough zinc through your diet.
3.2 Vitamin C Vitamin C is important for maintaining a strong immune system. If you eat 2 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables each day, you should be getting the right amount of vitamin C in your diet.
Vitamin C-a water-soluble vitamin, which means it cannot be stored by the body. This means that you need to replace it daily by consuming fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.
3.3. Maintain and keep your fluid levels up Dehydration can cause lethargy, worsen cold and flu symptoms, and slow your digestion. The recommended amount of liquid you need to drink is about 2 liters per day and this fluid is best mostly from water.
If you find that you are drinking less water in the winter, try these tips to increase your fluid intake:
Make it a habit to always start your day with a glass of water when you wake up. Your body loses water overnight and needs fluids to rehydrate. Try warm water with a slice of lemon throughout the day to warm up to increase fluid intake. Try herbal teas like mint, jasmine or lemon and ginger tea, all caffeine-free.
Nâng cao khả năng miễn dịch
Hẫy nâng cao khả năng miễn dịch của bạn bằng cách bổ sung đủ nước mỗi ngày

4. Some other problems affect the body's immunity

Are you sleeping enough or not? Studies have shown that lack of sleep can lower your immunity. The optimal amount for adults is between 7 and 8 hours a night. During sleep, your immune system secretes protective proteins that can fight infection or inflammation. When you're sleep-deprived, the production of these protective proteins is reduced, making you more susceptible to viruses and colds. If you have trouble falling asleep or have poor quality sleep, consider how these changes can help you:
Make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible for easy falling asleep. Avoid eating late at night. Minimize screen and phone time up to 1 hour before bedtime. In addition, you also need to minimize extreme stress because this state will increase the amount of the hormone cortisol in the body, and this condition will inhibit the body's ability to function for a while. long time.
Wash your hands: Frequent hand washing is important to protect against colds and other disease-causing bacteria. These bacteria and viruses can be present on surfaces that we touch. You should always wash your hands before eating and preparing food and after using the toilet.
Please regularly follow Vinmec website ( to update useful health care information and leave information when you need medical advice and support!

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