Is eating a lot of onions good?

Onion is a common spice in every family's kitchen, besides onions are also known to be a very good medicine for health. However, many people still wonder whether eating a lot of onions is good or not and what are the benefits of eating green onions.

1. What are the benefits of eating green onions?

Onions are a very familiar food in life. According to oriental medicine, onions are spicy, temperate, and non-toxic. Onions have the effect of clearing, activating blood, helping to sweat, diuretic and antiseptic. In addition, onions also work to treat colds, headaches, runny noses, coughs and fevers.
Besides, onions also help to increase digestive secretions, cure diseases of poor appetite, indigestion, and bloating. The effect of warming the kidneys and warming the uterus.
According to Western medicine, onions are also a very strong antibiotic, stronger than penicillin. Therefore, onions help strengthen immunity and kill bacteria. It is for this reason that onions are very effective in treating colds and infections in the body.

2. Is eating a lot of onions good?

Eating onions regularly also helps reduce blood cholesterol and dissolve blood clots that cause blood vessel blockage. Thus, reducing the risk of thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, onions are also a very good remedy for diabetics because they contain "herbal insulin".
Eating onions regularly is good for health. However, proper processing is required to maintain the nutrients and essential oils in onions.
It is best to eat raw onions instead of cooked onions. When the onion is still alive, the essential oils and yeast in the onion are preserved, so it is more effective. Should crush onions and leave for a few minutes to use. This helps the cells to release active substances and convert them into substances for the necessary pharmacological action.
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Mọi người nên ăn uống hợp lý và không nên ăn hành nhiều quá trong thời gian dài

When cooking, put onions in the food after it has been cooked and do not cook at high heat for a long time. Exposure to high temperatures will destroy the active ingredients contained therein.
Onions have many uses and health benefits. However, eating too much onions also leads to some of the following disorders:
Blurred vision Premature gray hair Prevents sweating Because onions are warm foods, therefore, onions should not be used for people who are yang and prosperous. Flushing. In addition, do not use onions with honey and people with high blood pressure. Another point to note is that for women who have an early or heavy menstrual period, they should avoid eating onions too much.
Thus, onions are a very healthy food. However, if you eat too much onions will also lead to some side effects for health. Therefore, it is necessary to use the right amount and the right way to get the best effect from onions.
Hope the above sharing has helped you get the answer to the question, is eating a lot of onions good? As well as knowing how to use onions effectively and safely.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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