Porridge dishes for babies with fever

Fever is a common phenomenon in young children, when a child has a fever, they are often fussy, uncomfortable, and lazy to eat. At this time, to make the child's eating process simple but still ensure nutrition, porridge is a great choice. So what are the best porridge for babies with fever?

1. Lotus seed porridge

Bean porridge with white lotus seeds is known as an effective cure for insomnia in China. However, lotus seed porridge also has the effect of reducing colds and fever. In addition, this dish also has effective anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and fever-reducing properties.
Lotus seed porridge is very simple to make, just soak the lotus seeds until they soften, then boil with rice, millet or sticky rice. At this point, the mother can scoop out the bowl and feed the baby little by little.

2. Lean meat porridge with perilla

Perilla meat porridge is a very familiar dish from time immemorial. It is known for many different uses, including antipyretic, antipyretic and safe for children.
Purple porridge is a warm dish, capable of reducing fever, eliminating phlegm and is very safe for children. When adding perilla into lean meat porridge, it creates a delicious and nutritious dish that ensures enough nutrients for children when they are sick with fever.
The cooking method is extremely simple and the ingredients are easily available to prepare. You just need to buy pureed lean tenderloin, then stir-fry it and then put it in a stew with rice. When the porridge is cooked, turn off the heat, chop the perilla leaves and put them in a bowl. Then scoop the porridge into the bowl and let the baby enjoy.

3. Green bean porridge

The green bean porridge that mother adds to the children's meals can bring many different tastes. Green bean porridge has the ability to create immune antibodies to help children effectively reduce fever and fight inflammation. Besides the antipyretic effect, in mung bean porridge there are many types of amino acids that help improve the stomach and digestive system when the child has a fever.
Cooking green bean porridge is very simple. Mothers wash rice and soak green beans with or without shells for about 30 minutes to cook quickly. After stewing rice and green beans, you add a little white sugar to make it easier for your baby to eat.
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4. Beef and carrot porridge

Beef is a diverse food and is available at markets and supermarkets, this is a nutritious food, providing iron and protein for babies. Besides, carrots are also a vegetable that is rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. Therefore, the stewed beef and carrot porridge is very delicious and nutritious for children when they have a fever or infection.
You can prepare 100 grams of minced lean beef, 1 small bowl of white rice and 20 grams of finely chopped carrots. You wash clean rice and put it in a slow cooker, then pour in carrots and beef and cook for about 20-30 minutes to be able to feed your child.

5. Tips for feeding children when they have a fever

When you have the answer to the question, what do children with fever eat? You should also pay attention to some problems after feeding your baby.
Break down meals into small portions that you can feed your baby often and at regular intervals. If the baby is still nursing, you can express breast milk and feed it with a spoon, especially if the baby sucks too weakly. Practice patience when feeding children when they are sick. Feed your child often and try to give him foods he likes. Do not force children to eat. Give your child water to drink if he or she is vomiting.

6. Spices and foods that should not be given to children when they have a fever

Nutritionists have recommended that while children have a fever, parents should avoid foods that make children's illnesses more dangerous and affect their health. Here are some products that mothers should avoid giving their children:
Spicy spices such as garlic, chili, and pepper, because these spices often make the baby hotter, from which the child's body temperature may rise. . Chicken eggs: Chicken eggs are nutritious foods but are not very good for children with fever, because the high protein content makes the child's body temperature rise. Sugary drinks and seafood: these will suppress the child's immunity, bloating, gas, indigestion, making the child eat less, leading to the body not having enough nutrients to fight diseases. Building a suitable regimen for children when they have a fever, full of nutrients is a very important thing in helping children supplement to strengthen their resistance and help them recover quickly. Parents need to be careful to avoid unwanted effects on children. Above are porridge for babies with fever that are easy to cook and suitable for children of all ages. Parents can apply and cook for children to eat during the period when the child has a fever. To have more skills in child care, parents actively consult for more information on the website of Vinmec International General Hospital.
Parents also need to supplement their children with essential micro-minerals such as zinc, lysine, chromium, selenium, vitamin B1, ... to fully meet the nutritional needs of children. The addition of these essential vitamins also supports digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, improves anorexia, and helps children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.
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