What are the benefits of pigeon meat?

Pigeon meat has quite high nutritional value, 9 times more than chicken meat. The dishes made from pigeon meat have a very good effect on nourishing the body, especially for women who are pregnant, malnourished children, or people who have just woken up. .

1. Pigeon meat

Pigeons belong to the cuckoo family and this bird is bred and replicated everywhere. There are many varieties of pigeons that differ in characteristics such as size, color...
In Eastern medicine, pigeon meat is average, salty, has a rich nutritional composition with delicious taste. , is classified as a good nutritional food for the elderly and children or those who have just recovered from illness. Pigeon eggs contain quite typical nutrients with 9.5% protein, 6.4% carbohydrates and nutritional components such as calcium, iron, phosphorus... What is the effect of pigeon meat? Pigeon meat will have the effect of tonic kidney, spleen, stomach, blood... Using pigeon meat in cases of weakness, weakness, thirst, forgetfulness, insomnia, nervous breakdown, women symptoms of blood loss and blockage of the menstrual cycle.... According to Traditional Medicine, pigeon meat is also used as a medicine in the treatment of diseases such as: pigeon porridge.
Thịt chim bồ câu có tác dụng gì
Cháo chim bồ câu có tác dụng bổ thận, kiện tỳ vị, khí huyết,... có nhiều dinh dưỡng cho người cao tuổi, trẻ em

2. Pigeon meat nutrition facts

Is it fat to eat pigeon meat? Pigeon meat is classified as a food group with a fairly high protein content, but low in fat and cholesterol. Many studies performed analysis of pigeon meat showed that the protein content of pigeon meat accounted for about 24%. Besides, the nutritional composition of pigeon meat also contains many essential amino acids for the body. Meanwhile, the fat content in pigeon meat accounts for only about 0.3%. These concentrations are much lower than in other animal meats.
In addition, vitamins A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin E along with trace and macro minerals help bring many health benefits to users. Therefore, the nutritional composition of pigeon meat is higher than that of chicken.
Some typical effects of pigeon meat on human health such as:
Pigeon meat helps to nourish the body, speed up rehabilitation and heal wounds of the sick after getting sick. Pigeons have the effect of helping to nourish the brain, enhance memory as well as thinking ability. Pigeon meat helps to nourish the face along with increasing the body's vitality
Thịt chim bồ câu có tác dụng gì?
Ăn thịt chim bồ câu có béo không? Thịt chim bồ câu có hàm lượng protein khá cao, tuy nhiên lại ít chất béo và cholesterol

3. Remedies using pigeon meat to help treat diseases and improve health

To improve your health and improve your medical condition, you can use a few of the following recipes:
Remedy to cure body weakness: Use two pigeons, 15 grams of longan paint. Longan 10g, white ear fungus 10g, lotus seed 15g, cordyceps 15g, a little ginger and rock sugar. The pigeons are cleaned with all the internal organs removed. The lotus seeds are boiled in a pot, then use a chopstick to stir quickly, then peel and remove the outer shell. White wood ear mushrooms soaked in warm water, washed. Lotus seeds and pigeon meat are put in a steaming bowl, sprinkled on top of a layer of ginger and then added cordyceps, Hoi Son, longan, white wood ear and rock sugar into this mixture. Next, pour boiling water into a bowl of pigeon meat that is almost full, cover, put this bowl in a pot of boiling water and simmer for 3 hours. Use this remedy for 1 week. Remedies for impotence, anemia, dizziness or lightheadedness: Use a cleaned pigeon, remove the intestines and chopped meat, then bring to dry crispy, finely ground, Mix with 12 grams of heavy beans, finely ground with 4 grams of salt. Mix the flour mixture well, form with honey into corn kernels. Drink twice a day 15 tablets each time with warm water to help strengthen the kidneys and yang. Remedy to treat irregular menstruation, long-term menstrual irregularity: Use pigeon's blood with loofah powder to make a cake, dry, when using fine powder, drink twice a day, each use 8 grams with alcohol and used on an empty stomach The remedy helps to replenish spleen and blood, especially for those who have just woken up. Using a clean pigeon, remove the intestines, chop, 30 grams of astragalus, 30 grams of goji berries, bring these mixtures to dry, finely chop, mix well, then add water and steam. until ripe. When drinking this water, you can add a little spice to eat the whole thing. Use every 3 days. Use about 3-5 times. Remedies to support diabetes: Use cooked pigeon meat with 15 grams of white wood ear, or 30 grams of Hoai Son and 20 grams of jade bamboo. Use this remedy once a day, but do not use any spices when using it. Although pigeon meat has a high nutritional value and offers many health benefits, some people may need to limit its use of this food, such as those with a sexual desire. strong should not use dishes made from pigeon meat. Because of the nutritional content of this dish, it will increase sexual desire even more.
Or pregnant women, especially those who do little exercise, should not use this dish too often. The reason may be because some nutrients in pigeon meat are not suitable for the fetus's condition.

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