What vegetables to eat to cool, cool down?

Green vegetables are a natural source of nutrients that help clear heat and detoxify the body very effectively. A vegetable has a different characteristic, so eating healthy vegetables is something that each of us is always interested in. The following article would like to show a little information about the groups of green vegetables that have a cooling function that is good for health.

1. Causes of increased body temperature on hot flashes

Normal and good body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, when this temperature is high, it signals that your body is hot or your health is gradually falling in love. Your body temperature when healthy can be kept stable because the thalamus region of the central nervous system sends out signals. Sometimes a reaction due to food environment will also become the cause of increased body temperature.
Here are some common reasons why your body temperature is high and prolonged, making the body tired:
Infection or inflammation of the wound causes the body to have a high fever. Thyroid dysfunction causes hormones to be released too quickly Heat up due to weather in the environment or because you are new to activity or regularly work in high temperature environments. The clothes you are wearing are too secretive to escape heat or close to your body. Because you absorb too much fast food, spicy spices, fat... Meats and nuts rich in protein are good foods for the body's activities, but if abused, it will cause indigestion from there. also inhibits body temperature causing it to rise. Regular use of alcohol and stimulants causes a state of nervous excitement. Prolonged high-intensity exercise causes the body to heat up due to the movement of the muscles and blood circulation. The body is at risk of a number of diseases such as leukemia, arthritis, neurological disorders... also cause increase body temperature. Hyperthermia reactions are caused by certain medications, such as antibiotics, opioids, or antihistamines. The body loses too much water, the activity of the sweat glands is affected, and it cannot cool down the body temperature.
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2. Some vegetables are good for health when eaten in a cool bar

Eat vegetables to cool? What vegetables cool down is the problem of each of us when the body faces imbalances. According to oriental medicine, the darker green vegetables are, the sweeter the taste, the more sweet they are, the diuretic will help eliminate toxins from the body. So what vegetables are good for health?
Gotu kola is considered as a natural antibiotic with good antiseptic properties for open wounds. In addition, when you have vomiting blood, cholera, discharge or boils, this vegetable also helps a lot.
For people with high blood sugar, gotu kola can be used to lower blood sugar to help stabilize the indexes. However, gotu kola is not recommended to be used too much to avoid causing dizziness or hypoglycemia.
Lettuce Lettuce is a wild plant that grows well in high humidity soils. In folklore, grandparents often use fish lettuce to detoxify and kill harmful bacteria. Today, with the development of modern medicine, botanists have proven the medicinal properties of this vegetable to be as effective as a natural antibiotic with health benefits.
When using lettuce, the intestinal activity is better stimulated, creating a more appetizing feeling... However, lettuce is quite fishy, ​​so it is difficult for some picky eaters to use.
Amaranth Amaranth is no longer strange in the rice tray of every family. On the territory of our country, amaranth grows well and is divided into 2 types: green amaranth and red amaranth. These two vegetables are easy to find and come across, the other are quite rare and are still in the research phase.
Amaranth contains high levels of protid, lipid, iron, vitamins, minerals and glucid that have a good impact on the health of the user.
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Water spinach Boiled water spinach is an easy dish to choose in every family's tray of rice. In the composition of vegetables loaded into the body 90% is water molecules to help rehydrate the body. In addition, water spinach also contains fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin E, fat, iron, zinc, and magnesium.
With that abundant source of nutrients, water spinach is not only delicious but also has the function of clearing urine and curing constipation.
Spinach is a sweet vegetable and will become louder if cooked. When using spinach, the body will be purified, eliminating toxins, hemostasis, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory.... Especially postpartum women are encouraged to eat spinach to get rid of stagnant substances. From the inside out, it helps stimulate contractions to recover the uterus quickly.
Spinach In traditional medicine, spinach has a slightly sour taste and is good for the blood, helps detoxify, beautifies and is very laxative. Pectin hidden in the composition of vegetables has the ability to prevent diseases, treat constipation, promote fat metabolism to prevent the accumulation of dangerous excess fat for the body.
In addition, pregnant women should use this vegetable to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. At the same time, regular consumption of spinach will increase the resistance of the circulatory system to repel the risk of incurable diseases.

3. Some ways to prepare and note when eating vegetables so as not to create side effects for the body

The above mentioned vegetables are easy to find and are widely used in every family. However, behind those advantages, each type also has disadvantages.
Gotu kola is good for people with high blood pressure, so consider if you have low blood pressure yourself. Gotu kola can be eaten raw, but care should be taken to clean it to remove helminths. In addition, you can use gotu kola to cook soup or smoothie or make salad with beef...
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Lettuce can be eaten raw or pureed or mixed with vegetable salad.
Amaranth is rarely eaten raw, so most people choose to cook or boil or stir-fry with spices to enjoy.
Water spinach The growing position of water spinach is quite favorable for the development of parasites, so when processing, it should be soaked in salt and washed. AND water spinach should be eaten cooked to limit harmful bacteria to the body
If you are having symptoms or have had some of the following diseases, you should not eat water spinach: gout, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, blood pressure high, body has open wound.
Kale spinach can purify the body and eliminate alcohol well, but it causes uterine contractions. Therefore, pregnant women should be careful when eating spinach.
Spinach Spinach can be cooked with soup in combination with jute and melon to help cool down and make you feel more appetizing during peak hot days.
Hope the above information has provided you with more choices and answers on what to eat to keep cool. Wish you always have a scientific diet and improve your work productivity and improve your life.

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Reference source: healthline.com
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