Complications of diabetes insipidus in pregnancy

The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor II Lai Thi Nguyet Hang - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
We often hear about diseases like diabetes or gestational diabetes. So are diabetes insipidus those diseases? What are the dangers of diabetes insipidus and complications of gestational diabetes insipidus?

1. What is diabetes insipidus?

In fact, diabetes insipidus is not related to type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a disorder in the body's ability to balance water. The patient's kidneys are not able to retain water resulting in increased urination. Patients with diabetes insipidus often become thirsty and want to drink more fluids. The incidence of diabetes insipidus is very low, only about 1: 25000 people. The disease can occur at any age, but most often in adults and in some cases pregnant women.

2. Is diabetes insipidus dangerous?

Is diabetes insipidus dangerous? This is a question asked by many patients when suffering from this disease. According to doctors, diabetes insipidus is a disease that is not too dangerous but needs to be very cautious. However, diabetes insipidus can still cause some bad consequences that patients may have to face such as: The patient urinates a lot, day and night leading to fatigue, lack of vitality and affecting quality of life. life.
Dehydration leads to muscle pain, weakness, headache, weight loss, dry skin, fever and vomiting. In addition, due to the loss of electrolytes, it also causes cardiac arrhythmias, intestinal spasms, muscle contractions. More dangerous when these disorders can lead to the risk of death from cardiac arrest, hypotension if not treated promptly.
Đái tháo nhạt
Đái tháo nhạt là bệnh lý không quá nguy hiểm nhưng cần phải hết sức thận trọng

3. How dangerous is diabetes insipidus during pregnancy?

Pregnant mothers are also at high risk for this disease due to the disturbance of hormones in the mother's body. So is diabetes insipidus during pregnancy dangerous? The answer is not very dangerous if the disease is controlled. Pregnant women will become dehydrated and feel thirsty, resulting in lack of control in urination, fatigue, insomnia, water and electrolyte disturbances.. Most cases of gestational diabetes insipidus will spontaneously occur. cured 4-6 weeks after termination of pregnancy. However, once you have a history of gestational diabetes insipidus, you have a higher risk of developing it in future pregnancies.

4. Complications of diabetes insipidus

If not detected and treated promptly, complications of diabetes insipidus that the patient may face will be: dry mouth, weak muscles, low blood pressure, sunken eyes, fever or headache, fast heartbeat and reduce body weight. Another complication of diabetes insipidus is that it causes an electrolyte imbalance that leads to fatigue and prolonged irritability.
Through the above information, you must have got the answer to the question, is diabetes insipidus dangerous? And the complications of diabetes insipidus that we have. Although the disease does not affect much to health, to ensure the health of both mother and baby, pregnant women need knowledge to prevent unpredictable consequences of the disease.
Giãn tĩnh mạch sẽ không cải thiện nếu bạn tiếp tục mang thai
Một biến chứng đái tháo nhạt khác chính là gây ra sự mất cân bằng điện giải dẫn đến mệt mỏi, khó chịu kéo dài
Besides, when you notice that your body has common signs of diabetes insipidus, you should register for a package maternity check-up at Vinmec International General Hospital to be examined by a team of well-trained and experienced doctors. Experience from that helps prevent complications such as electrolyte imbalance, low blood pressure... the best.

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