How does cervical mucus change during the menstrual cycle?

Hormonal fluctuations cause the cervix in a woman to secrete a fluid called cervical mucus during the menstrual cycle. It changes in shape, texture, and quantity throughout the month based on a woman's estrogen levels.
If you are trying to get pregnant, you should know when you are most fertile. One way to spot this moment is to look for changes in cervical mucus — the natural vaginal discharge that occurs when your hormones change during your menstrual cycle, in amount, color, and color. The texture of cervical mucus also changes.

1. Check cervical mucus

If a couple is trying to have a baby, they should know when a woman is at her most fertile and one of the ways to determine this is to check for changes in the mucus. cervix, the natural vaginal discharge that most women need to know about.
As female hormones change during the menstrual cycle, the amount, color and texture of cervical mucus also changes.
No one can be sure what cervical mucus will look like at different times of the menstrual cycle. However, cervical mucus testing is a relatively effective method of estimating a woman's ovulation to determine the most fertile time for couples to plan for a baby.
There are 3 commonly used ways to check cervical mucus, which are:
Wipe the vagina with clean, white toilet paper before going to the toilet and observe any discharge on the paper. Insert a cleaned finger into the vagina and gradually reach the cervix then remove the finger and check the mucus on the finger Check for vaginal discharge in the underwear. Feel the consistency of vaginal discharge by rubbing your thumbs and index fingers together and then stretching the vaginal discharge as much as possible.
One thing to keep in mind is that not everyone experiences the same changes in cervical mucus. For example, for women who have never had children before, they will probably excrete less mucus except in the days before ovulation. The main concern is finding and detecting changes in cervical mucus midway through the menstrual cycle. And if a cervical mucus sample doesn't give a woman an approximate estimate of when she's ovulating, she might consider other methods of predicting ovulation.

2. How does cervical mucus change during the menstrual cycle?

The pictures below will give women the information they need to check for cervical mucus during their ovulation tracking.
Hình 1: Chất nhầy cổ tử cung dính
Chất nhầy cổ tử cung dính
Women may have a few days of cervical discharge that looks cloudy and sticky, especially a few days after their period ends. The nature of cervical mucus at this stage is thick, tough, and has a paste-like or sticky texture that makes it difficult for sperm to pass. Cervical mucus at this stage is the least fertile type because it is harder for sperm to reach an egg, so the chances of pregnancy are lowest. However, it is important to note that sperm can live for several days in a woman's genital tract and should not be used as a family planning method.
Hình 2: Chất nhầy cổ tử cung màu kem
Chất nhầy cổ tử cung màu kem
The next stage in a woman's menstrual cycle, she may notice cream-colored cervical mucus on examination. This is considered a period of infertility because cervical mucus greatly restricts sperm movement. Creamy cervical mucus can be pearly white or slightly yellow. They are also very thick and feel like lotion when rubbed between fingers.
Hình 3: Nước nhầy cổ tử cung
Nước nhầy cổ tử cung
When it comes to the most fertile time, a woman may notice that her cervical mucus becomes clearer. This type of cervical mucus allows sperm to move easily into the uterus with almost no obstruction. This increases the chance of meeting between the sperm and the egg, thereby increasing the chances of conception. At this stage, cervical mucus is also secreted in large quantities so the woman always feels like urine is leaking in her underwear.
Hình 4: Chất nhầy cổ tử cung lòng trắng trứng
Chất nhầy cổ tử cung lòng trắng trứng
Once a woman's cervical mucus is as viscous and viscous as raw egg white, the woman is in the process of conceiving. Egg white cervical mucus indicates the body is ready to ovulate. If you hold the mucus between two fingers and pull it out, they can be several centimeters long without breaking in the middle. This is the thick, sticky cervical mucus that allows sperm to easily swim through the cervix. For the best chance of conceiving, have sex every 2 to 3 days during this time. Sperm can completely live inside a woman's genital tract for five to seven days waiting for an egg to be released.
In fact, cervical mucus is not an indication that a woman is pregnant. Instead, they need to pay attention to other early signs of pregnancy. The easiest way is to take a pregnancy test around the time you expect to get your period.
Besides, there are many factors that can affect the texture and consistency of cervical mucus, such as changes in health, medication use, feminine hygiene solutions, douching. too much depth, sex, and lubricant use.... All of the above factors can interfere with cervical mucus and make it difficult for women to understand menstrual cycle information. what stage are you in? An infection can also change cervical mucus. If you notice that the vaginal discharge turns gray or green, has a strong fishy smell, or feels burning pain, irritation or swelling around the vagina, you should immediately seek medical attention for examination and treatment. timely.
One of the most important and necessary problems for a woman is to understand how her menstrual cycle works. Try to pay attention to the changes in your cervical mucus for several months in a row, you can completely build a chart or a model to help you plan sex if you want to get pregnant when you want to get pregnant. are in the most fertile period. Besides checking cervical mucus, experts also recommend using some other methods such as basal temperature chart to easily track and accurately estimate ovulation.
To prepare for a healthy pregnancy, both husband and wife should check their reproductive health 3-5 months before becoming pregnant.
Sản phụ từng bị thai lưu: Cần khám, tư vấn và chăm sóc trước khi mang thai lại
Để chuẩn bị một thai kỳ khỏe mạnh, cả vợ và chồng nên kiểm tra sức khỏe sinh sản từ 3-5 tháng trước khi mang thai
The wife should:
Get vaccinated before pregnancy (especially against rubella because rubella in pregnancy is extremely dangerous ) Genetic testing to screen for genetic diseases before pregnancy Check for gynecological infections Avoid affecting the health of the mother and the fetus Especially women over 35 years old who want to get pregnant (especially if they have never been pregnant) will have to have a very detailed health check because pregnancy at this age is common. problems: Ovarian failure, premature birth, higher risk of birth defects, placenta previa, preeclampsia. The husband should:
Check reproductive health, detect diseases of testicular atrophy, physiological weakness, weak sperm... Sexually transmitted diseases, especially those that cannot be cured, are extremely dangerous. Vinmec currently has many comprehensive health care programs for couples, pregnant mothers and their unborn babies, including basic pre-marital examination packages, advanced pre-marital examination packages, and maternity packages. . Vinmec has a team of experienced doctors in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology, IVF, stem cells, gene technology, capable of synchronously and comprehensively deploying the most advanced assisted reproductive techniques today.
For specific information about fertility and maternity packages at Vinmec, please contact the hospitals and clinics of Vinmec health system nationwide.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Reference sources:,
How many days is the normal menstrual cycle? How is the menstrual cycle calculated? 5 things you may not know about your menstrual cycle
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