How long does it take to remove the IUD before it can be put back in?

The article is expertly consulted by Master, Doctor Le Nhat Nguyen - Obstetrician-Gynecology Specialist - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital. Doctor has more than 20 years of experience in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Using the IUD is a fairly common method of birth control, as it is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. IUD insertion cannot be done arbitrarily, but must follow the instructions of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

1. What is an IUD?

The IUD is a small plastic device that is inserted into the uterus in an S, T, or bow shape with a copper coil. The IUD works by preventing an egg from meeting a sperm and preventing an egg implanted in the uterus from developing into a fetus. Women of reproductive age (18 - 49 years) are advised to have an IUD to prevent pregnancy.
The advantage of the IUD is that it is effective immediately from the time of insertion to about 5 years later. Besides, this device also helps women stay comfortable and the cost of the ring placement procedure is also quite low. Not only that, the IUD also limits the amount of blood lost during the menstrual cycle, reduces menstrual pain, reduces the risk of pelvic inflammation and uterine fibroids. At the same time, the IUD does not interfere with married life.
Đặt vòng tránh thai có hiệu quả ngừa thai lên tới 99%

2. How long does it take to remove the IUD before it can be put back in?

Usually, for some reason such as wanting to have a baby, the old IUD has expired, have some gynecological diseases, ... women will be assigned to remove the ring. And when it comes to continuing contraception, many women often choose to have the ring put back in. How long does it take to remove the IUD before it can be put back in? Re-ordering time varies on a case-by-case basis. These are:
For women who remove the ring because the old IUD has expired, it is possible to put another ring without any transition period. For women who remove the IUD to treat an infection of the genital tract or have a gynecological disease, it is necessary to treat the disease completely before re-inserting the IUD. For women who have had their IUD removed for pregnancy and childbirth: women who have given birth vaginally can put the IUD back in about 2-3 months after childbirth (the longer the better). Women who have had a caesarean section should have an IUD inserted after 6 months of giving birth. Women absolutely do not put on the IUD right after giving birth, because at this time the cervix is ​​dilated, easy for the IUD to fall out. For women who remove the ring due to heavy bleeding, abdominal pain, etc., it is best not to put the ring back, because this is a sign that the body cannot adapt to this method of contraception. Women can switch to another more suitable method of contraception such as using condoms, taking oral contraceptives every day, ...

3. Some notes when inserting and removing the IUD

Phụ nữ đến thời kỳ tháo vòng nhưng không đủ sức khỏe hoặc đang mắc bệnh cấp tính sẽ được lùi lịch lấy vòng cho tới khi sức khỏe hồi phục
The ideal time to put on the IUD is on the 3rd or 4th day of the red light period. This is the time when the cervix is ​​wider, so it is easier to insert the ring into the uterus, limiting damage to women. During the first 3 months after the ring is inserted, women should visit the doctor (at the end of their period) every month to see if the ring is in the correct position. Then, every 3 months or 6 months, women should check the position of the IUD once, if there are abnormalities, it will be promptly handled, avoiding unwanted complications caused by the ring. No IUD in pregnancy, suspected pregnancy, unexplained abnormal uterine bleeding, endometritis postpartum or post-abortion infection within 3 months, infection in the urinary tract genitals,... Women who come to the period to remove the ring but are not healthy enough or have an acute illness will be delayed until their health recovers. Should not have children immediately after removing the ring, but need to wait at least 2-3 months for the uterus to be more stable. Follow your doctor's instructions about taking antibiotics after removing the ring to avoid the risk of infection and adhesions to the uterus. If unfortunately the IUD enters the abdominal cavity, surgery is needed to remove the IUD. After surgery, women should rest for at least 2 weeks before going back to work to avoid affecting their health later. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec International General Hospital is the address to receive and handle all problems from gynecological pathology, surgery to tumors, treatment of endocrine disorders in women of all ages. , taking contraceptive measures ... prestige. Therefore, when there are any problems, customers can go directly to the hospital to be examined by a doctor and have appropriate indications.
The examination process at the hospital is always performed by a team of qualified doctors, combined with a system of advanced facilities to give customers peace of mind and the best choice.

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