Is there any harm in inhibiting ejaculation?

The ability to get an erection and ejaculate in men is controlled by the nervous system. The process of ejaculating during sex will be active by men and believe that men's control of ejaculation helps protect semen and is good for health. Because according to ancient medicine, semen is more precious than blood. So should men actively ejaculate to stay healthy or not?

1. The process of sperm formation in men

Ejaculation in men occurs with the release of semen from the genitals out of the body. The male ejaculatory phase occurs at the end of sexual arousal, which may occur during sexual intercourse or masturbation, or may occur during sleep-dreaming.
Sperm in the male body is produced from the testicles, and each time a man ejaculates in the semen there is a sperm volume of about 300 million. However, for each person, the amount of sperm produced is completely different.
The process of ejaculation in men is divided into 4 stages:
Stage 1 - the stimulation phase is considered as the first stage of the ejaculation process in men. It usually starts after 10 to 30 seconds when the couple develops a desire for each other. And this time can last from a few minutes to a few hours. The duration of this process varies from person to person. When a man is stimulated, the penis will become erect so that it can easily penetrate the female's vagina. However, in order to have sex, it is necessary to lubricate both the penis of men and the vagina of women. When arousal is higher, the male penis will secrete more lubricant while reducing friction and creating favorable conditions for the erect penis to penetrate the vagina more easily.
Stage 2 - The stage of control and tolerance: The penis begins to feel strong stimulation when it goes deep into the vagina. More lubricant is secreted to reduce friction between the penis and the vagina. At this stage, the penis will be in the most erect state, the man's body will feel hotter, the heart rate will be faster, and the breathing will be stronger. The length of the period of control long or short will depend on the man's instincts and is also necessary for them. A man needs to know how to control himself to control ejaculation, and at the same time to prolong the time to help his partner reach orgasm. If you ejaculate too soon, it will affect the relationship and make women frustrated. Stage 3 - Ejaculation and orgasm are considered the climax of intercourse. The time at this stage happens quite quickly maybe as little as a few seconds. Men's semen will be secreted from the urethra and then ejected through the penis through rhythmic contractions. At this point, the man achieves orgasm, while breathing, heart rate, pulse and blood pressure continue to rise. Stage 4 - Recovery phase: At this stage, the male body will enter a state of rest, and the time can last from a few minutes to half an hour or longer depending on the condition of each person. The average ejaculation time in men is ideally around 10 minutes and depends on the man's ability to delay ejaculation. However, if the ejaculation time is less than 2 minutes, it can be considered as premature ejaculation.
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2. Control ejaculation in men

Controlling ejaculation in men can help make love last longer. So, is there any harm in controlling ejaculation? In terms of science and delayed ejaculation in men, it can be harmful to health such as male diseases, fatigue, frigidity, hemorrhoids, prostatitis ...
Controlling ejaculation sperm makes men easily fall into a state of fatigue or susceptible to male diseases. As explained by experts in the field of andrology, when suddenly stopping intercourse before ejaculation can cause systemic congestion or pelvic cavity congestion. Accompanying these effects, the male central nervous system is in a state of extreme stress that is not released and causes even more inhibition. For some men, the genitals such as sperms or prostate gland are not secreted according to the normal mechanism, causing the body to fall into an inhibited state. Besides, if performing normal ejaculation can help men relieve stress, but stopping or delaying this activity for a long time can cause men to appear physical signs. tired. Moreover, this condition can be more dangerous in the case of male pathologies for men such as erectile dysfunction, orchitis, impotence, vasculitis...
Restraining ejaculation makes men sex decreased pleasure, affecting the quality of love. When the genital organs include the vas deferens or the prostate or seminal vesicles, they will contract strongly during excitement and peak. However, restraining ejaculation at this peak orgasm time will make a man's pleasure greatly reduced. Over time, this habit will make it difficult for men to achieve pleasure as well as sublimation in sex. Men's ejaculation control affects not only themselves but also their partners. The fact that a man delays ejaculation can make his partner at the climax feel frustrated and unsatisfied. This process happens often can make the partner fall into a state of indifference, even avoiding the relationship. In some specific cases, it can cause men to experience back pain, abdominal pain, neurological disorders. When controlling ejaculation, it will cause the male pelvis to be congested for a long time without being released and will cause diseases for men. Inhibiting ejaculation affects a man's ability to get an erection. When men reach the climax, deliberately using consciousness to control and delay ejaculation will cause blood in the pelvis, and increase pressure on the nervous system as well as the genitals. This condition happens often, it will reduce the inspiration in men's sex, along with interfering with the functioning of the penis. Suppressing ejaculation can make it easier for a man to develop hemorrhoids. Regularly controlling ejaculation affects blood circulation to the anus and can be a risk factor for hemorrhoids. Suppressing ejaculation often causes congestion and increases the risk of diseases in the male genital organs, including prostatitis. Inhibiting ejaculation makes the body in a state of congestion, causing cracks or ruptures of blood vessels or capillaries and leads to bleeding and inflammation of the testicles Restraining ejaculation makes it difficult for sperm to move out by being controlled, and can make it easier for men to experience spermatosis to other organs in the body. And this phenomenon occurs often can cause infertility in men. Inhibiting ejaculation in men affects the nervous system. When a man controls ejaculation, the nervous system will work and remain in a state of stress and anxiety. This situation happens often, causing the nervous system to weaken, even hallucinations may appear, causing insomnia, forgetfulness, headaches, dizziness... When having sex, the man does not appear sperm can affect women making it difficult to get pregnant. Therefore, the process of ejaculation in a relationship plays an important role in keeping the family happy. At the same time, men also need to be examined and find specific causes for high treatment effectiveness. If a man cannot ejaculate due to the influence of a disease or due to the use of certain drugs to treat the disease. Men should see a doctor, temporarily stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for an appropriate treatment regimen.
Men can not ejaculate due to retrograde ejaculation, blocked vas deferens. Your doctor will recommend surgery to improve this condition.
When having sex but men cannot ejaculate due to erectile dysfunction, physiological weakness. Men can apply both Eastern and Western medicine methods to effectively treat the disease.
Through the complication of ejaculation control, it can be seen that this activity is completely harmful to men. Therefore, men should not do this or form harmful habits.
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3. Some misunderstandings about ejaculation

Ejaculation will not get pregnant. It can be seen that this statement is completely wrong and can bring bad results if it is applied to perform contraception. External ejaculation can still make a partner pregnant. Because when stimulated, the male genitalia will begin to secrete oily fluid to help lubricate during intercourse. The mucus secreted from the penis usually still contains a small amount of sperm in it. If the sperm is viable, the egg can still be successfully fertilized with these sperm. And so, ejaculating outside cannot be considered an effective and safe contraceptive method. To prevent pregnancy effectively you can use other methods such as using condoms.
The phenomenon of ejaculation occurs only when a man reaches orgasm. Theoretically, ejaculation occurs when a man feels orgasmic. However, some people do not move in this direction. Because, this also depends on how the man feels during sex.
Excessive ejaculation can cause the sperm content in the body to be depleted. This is completely incorrect. Because sperm is produced continuously in large quantities by the testicles. And sperm will be produced throughout a man's life. So there will be no case of depleted sperm.
When having a clear understanding of the problems when controlling ejaculation, men should balance their physiological life as well as limit health problems.

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