Stages of labor at birth

During the "9 months 10 days" period of pregnancy, the cervix of the pregnant woman will be closed, along with mucus to prevent infection from entering the uterus. Before the onset of labor begins, the cervix changes anteriorly, softens, and shortens.
Labor at birth is a completely normal physiological process of a pregnant woman to help bring the fetus and its appendages out of the body. Each pregnant woman will have different signs of labor about to give birth and monitoring the stages of labor will help this process go on safely and smoothly.
The labor process of a pregnant woman will include 3 main stages:
Stage 1: This stage of labor induction will have the dilation of the cervix (womb). It also includes a latent phase transitioning to an active phase when faster, stronger uterine contractions promote cervical dilation. Stage 2: When pushing for the baby to be born. Stage 3: It is when vegetables come out. In the early stages or induction of labor: Your cervix may open slowly, so it seems to be little changed. At this stage of labor, progress is slow, so contractions are short and the intervals between contractions are longer. When entering the action phase of labor induction, contractions are longer, faster, and stronger.
Towards the end of the first stage of labor, the pregnant woman can feel the progress of labor is progressing rapidly. This phase is the transition phase for the cervix to fully dilate to 10 cm.
Stage 2: Is the stage of labor when the baby is pushed out, the pregnant woman's expression of impending labor at this stage is also more intense and painful, the fetus will go into the vagina (birth canal). ) and the mother will push the baby out to meet for the first time outside the uterus. When the baby is born, the baby will be placed on the mother's abdomen and dried with a clean towel, then placed directly skin-to-skin on the mother's breast.
Stage 3 of labor at birth: This is the stage that starts from the moment the baby is born and ends when the placenta is released and the mother's uterus is empty, so it will shrink immediately after birth. Contractions will also be noticed but weaker than at first. The placenta detaches from the wall of the uterus and moves down into the vagina.
Experiencing labor at birth is extremely hard, painful will be boundless happiness to see the baby born healthy and beautiful.

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