Why is morning sickness during pregnancy?

Studies have proven that morning sickness in early pregnancy is a sign that the baby is developing healthy, the fetus is absorbing the nutrients needed for development from the mother's body. Therefore, what pregnant women need to do is understand the signs of morning sickness to have the best body care measures, minimizing discomfort due to nausea and vomiting.

1. What is morning sickness during pregnancy?

Morning sickness is one of the typical phenomena, appearing mainly in the early stages of pregnancy (mainly the first trimester). In which, about 70% of cases will experience nausea during pregnancy and about 50% will occur vomiting.
After the first 3 months, about half of cases of morning sickness in early pregnancy begin to feel better and better, however many pregnant women persist this condition throughout pregnancy. Morning sickness in early pregnancy does not always make pregnant women nausea and vomiting, in some cases it is simply a feeling of slight discomfort or bloating in the abdomen many times a day and most just need a lot of rest. remission.
Besides, morning sickness, nausea during pregnancy may not happen continuously, but there may be times when it feels good and then uncomfortable again.
Studies have proven that morning sickness in early pregnancy is a sign that the baby is developing healthy, the fetus is absorbing the nutrients needed for development from the mother's body. Therefore, what pregnant women need is to understand the signs of morning sickness in order to have the best body care measures, minimizing discomfort due to nausea and vomiting.
Common signs of morning sickness in early pregnancy include:
Nausea during pregnancy; Vomiting; Body fatigue, irritability; Eating or drinking is not good. Some pregnant women have severe morning sickness at the beginning of pregnancy, the symptoms may be more serious, namely:
Vomiting continuously, difficult to control; severe headache, dizziness; Loss of appetite persists and can lead to dehydration and weight loss; In many cases, pregnant women lose strength and can only lie on the bed; Severe morning sickness can persist throughout the day and night. Why morning sickness during pregnancy makes you nauseous Once you understand what morning sickness is, many pregnant women question the cause of this condition. Obstetricians have pointed out some causes of morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy below:
Nghén khi mới mang thai
Nghén khi mới mang thai là dấu hiệu em bé phát triển khỏe mạnh

2.1. Hormonal changes during pregnancy Hormonal changes during pregnancy, specifically the hormone hCG, are considered the leading cause of morning sickness. During the monitoring of hCG levels in pregnant women, doctors noted that this hormone levels rise very quickly and very high in the early stages of pregnancy. hCG levels are directly related to morning sickness, nausea during pregnancy, especially in cases of twins or multiple pregnancies, hCG levels are especially high.
2.2. Increased sense of smell During pregnancy, pregnant women's senses also become more sensitive than before, in which smell will be more sensitive than hearing. This leads to pregnant women noticing many different scents, especially those that were previously normal, but when increased sensitivity makes pregnant women feel uncomfortable, tired and nauseous.
2.3. Stomach is more sensitive This cause of morning sickness in early pregnancy may not happen to all pregnant women, but one thing is for sure, the digestive system during pregnancy will often be more sensitive than before. In addition, some studies indicate that the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach can increase the risk of morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy.

3. Handling morning sickness during pregnancy

3.1. Changing your daily diet To limit morning sickness during pregnancy, pregnant women need to eliminate foods that taste easy to cause nausea or vomiting. At the same time, the diet can apply the following measures:
Divide meals into small portions during the day, noting that you should not eat too full and at the same time do not let yourself be too hungry to eat; Supplement the foods that pregnant women love but require to ensure safety and health; Replenish the necessary amount of water for the body; Limit foods high in fats, oils and carbohydrates as they can cause bloating and nausea during pregnancy; Supplement with iron, vitamin and mineral supplements, folic acid during pregnancy. Especially at times of morning sickness, nausea, vomiting a lot. 3.2. Building the right menu The right menu will help pregnant women limit morning sickness. A suitable menu for pregnant women includes:
Adding more green vegetables and fresh fruits in the meal. Their advantage is that they do not have an unpleasant odor that easily causes nausea, while providing an abundant source of vitamins and minerals for both mother and baby; Add lean meat, fish, eggs and legumes... These foods help the body to supplement protein very well; Support the digestive process with yogurt, whey, this helps pregnant women to repel belching, nausea during pregnancy; Limit or do not use foods that contain stimulants, fried foods, too spicy, too hot or canned foods; Do not use pickled foods; Dishes should be cooked by boiling or steaming, using less oil when processing. 3.3. Some other measures Add enough water, electrolytes and energy: Severe prolonged nausea during pregnancy can cause electrolyte disturbances in the body, the most important of which is hyponatremia. and blood potassium. Therefore, in some cases, there are indications for external fluids to replenish electrolytes. However, the addition of sodium and potassium should not be too rapid to limit the effect on the electrophysiological activity on the cell membrane. At the same time, the indications for infusion of electrolytes must be accurately assessed through the results of blood tests. If there is a need for external infusion, the basic requirement is that the fluid must have physiological and biochemical properties similar to the circulating environment inside the body. An extremely important note is that the amount of infusion and the rate of infusion must be strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Vitamin and mineral supplements: A small number of pregnant women with morning sickness in early pregnancy have complications of Wernicke's encephalopathy and often leave very serious complications. However, this complication can be treated with Thiamine supplements in the form of oral tablets or intravenous infusion. However, indications for treatment should only be considered in cases of persistent vomiting. Use fresh ginger to overcome nausea during pregnancy: Ginger has warming, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. According to folklore, ginger is a food capable of reducing discomfort, stomach rumbling, morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy. Just supplementing with a cup of ginger tea in the morning or eating a piece of ginger biscuits can significantly reduce symptoms of nausea and morning sickness in early pregnancy. Use antiemetics when needed: When nausea, vomiting is continuous and makes pregnant women unable to eat or drink anything, the last resort is to use antiemetics. However, this measure is only relative, temporarily reducing nausea during pregnancy with relatively high efficiency, especially when morning sickness is too severe. Note that mothers should not arbitrarily buy and use drugs if they do not understand them well. All drugs that a pregnant woman want to use need a doctor's opinion, and at the same time comply with the dosage instructions to be both effective and to limit side effects affecting the baby.
buồn nôn khi mang thai
Tình trạng buồn nôn khi mang thai kéo dài nghiêm trọng có thể gây rối loạn các chất điện giải trong cơ thể

In summary, morning sickness in early pregnancy is one of the common phenomena, usually not worrisome and occurs mainly in the early stages of pregnancy. Morning sickness in early pregnancy is a sign that the baby is developing healthily, absorbing the necessary nutrients for development from the mother's body. Therefore, pregnant women only need to have the best body care measures, minimizing discomfort due to nausea and vomiting.
In particular, the first 3 months are the most sensitive time during pregnancy. In order for mother and baby to be healthy, parents need to pay attention to:
Understand early signs of pregnancy, pregnancy poisoning, bleeding during pregnancy. Timely, correct and sufficient first prenatal check-up, avoiding too early/too late. Fetal malformation screening at 12 weeks detects dangerous fetal malformations that can be intervened early. Distinguish between normal vaginal bleeding and pathological vaginal bleeding for timely intervention to maintain pregnancy. Screening for thyroid disease in the first 3 months of pregnancy avoids dangerous risks before and during delivery. Vinmec currently has many maternity packages (12-27-36 weeks), in which the 12-week maternity package helps monitor the health of mother and baby right from the beginning of pregnancy, early detection and timely intervention of health issues. In addition to the usual services, the maternity monitoring program from 12 weeks has special services that other maternity packages do not have such as: Double Test or Triple Test to screen for fetal malformations; Quantitative angiogenesis factor test to diagnose preeclampsia; thyroid screening test; Rubella test; Testing for parasites transmitted from mother to child seriously affects the baby's brain and physical development after birth.
For more information about the 12-week maternity package and registration, you can contact the clinics and hospitals of Vinmec health system nationwide.

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