2-year-olds: Fun facts children can understand

Thoughts of many parents "2-year-olds don't know anything, just wait slowly and then learn". This is a mistake and an inadvertent loss of your child's natural potential. In fact, children will develop rapidly at this stage, so parents should teach 2-year-olds from an early age.

Smart children not only rely on functional foods or nutritional sources, but the daily education of parents plays a very important role. Under the right circumstances, you can tell your 2-year-old these fun facts:

1. Colorful animal world

Butterflies taste with their feet, not their tongues. Horses can sleep either standing or lying down. Starfish poop from the upper body. Turtles don't need to brush their teeth before sleeping because they don't have teeth. The rooster is the father chicken, the hen is the mother hen. Birds perch on their eggs to keep warm. This action is called incubation. Cysts and moles use their large incisors to dig tunnels in the soil. Birds perch on phone lines and treetops so they can clearly see what they want to eat for lunch, like bugs and berries. Cows, horses, sheep, goats, pigs and many other animals do not have fingers or toes like humans. Instead they have four legs with hooves. Birds do not urinate, only excrete feces.
Trẻ 2 tuổi có thể hiểu được chó mèo tự liếm cơ thể để vệ sinh
Trẻ 2 tuổi có thể hiểu được chó mèo tự liếm cơ thể để vệ sinh

Dogs and cats lick their own bodies to clean. Dogs kiss by licking. Cats purr when happy and sometimes scared. Black-spotted white dogs are completely white at birth. They gain additional black spots as they grow. In seahorses, the father is pregnant and gives birth, not the mother. Duck feathers, goose feathers used to make blankets are very warm. Fleece is used to make many warm clothes, such as sweaters, hats, and gloves. Cats can push their claws in and out at any time, especially when they want to climb a tree. To hatch from the eggshell, the chicks push with their feet and peck with a special tooth in the beak. This tooth falls out just 1 day after they come out of the shell. The nails of animals, like cows, pigs and goats, continue to grow and need to be trimmed, just like human fingernails and toenails

2. Human body

Human eyes are shaped like round balls, called eyeballs. The navel is where the baby connects with the mother while still in the womb. The teeth your baby has are now called baby teeth. As they get older, baby teeth fall out and permanent teeth come in, most of which will last for the rest of life. When you stay in the bath for a long time, your fingers and toes will become wrinkled. But once you dry your body, the wrinkles will disappear. Children's bodies are still developing even during sleep, but so slowly that you can't feel it.

3. Fun facts about food

Dị ứng đạm sữa bò
Bạn có thể dạy trẻ 2 tuổi về đồ ăn như sữa lấy từ bò

Raisins are fresh, plump grapes that have been dried. Some vegetables, like carrots and potatoes, grow underground in the dirt. Some others, like peas and chickpeas, grow above ground. Milk from cows. Some people also like to drink goat's milk. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans that grow on trees. Cheese is made from cow's milk. Tea is made from leaves. The biggest strawberry anyone has ever seen is as big as an apple. Some apples are as small as cherries. Peanut butter is made from crushed peanuts. Apples will float on water, not sink. There is a type of banana that is finger-sized and super sweet, called the tall banana. Jam is made from cooked and crushed fruit, like strawberries or blueberries.

4. Maybe you don't know

Inside the ball there is air to help create a sphere and bounce. Paper is made from crushed wood. Mixing red and yellow will get orange. Mixing blue and yellow will make green. Mixing red and blue will get purple. Mixing all the colors together gives a dark brown color. In the past, people used the pointed end of a bird's feather to dip ink to write. Today replaced by pens with ink inside.

5. Amazing globe

Hướng dẫn cha mẹ các kỹ năng ngôn ngữ xã hội của trẻ 1 - 3 tuổi
Trẻ 2 tuổi có khả năng học hỏi ngôn ngữ rất tốt

Wind blowing over the ocean is one of the factors that create waves. Liquid water will turn to solid ice when cold enough. Water for daily bathing comes from lakes, rivers and streams. Plants absorb water through roots that go deep into the ground. Sand is created when waves, wind and rain crush rocks into small pieces over a long period of time. Snow is small pieces of ice, created inside clouds. As mentioned, 2-year-olds are very good at learning languages. Therefore, you should buy children's books, not only showing the pictures, but also reading the interesting content aloud for them to listen to. If you find your child excited, parents can teach 2-year-olds 5 - 10 books on a variety of topics every day, reading and re-reading a few times to help them develop memory and expand knowledge.
Spending time playing, early education will help children develop language, motor and physical early. Therefore, parents should be creative, spend time playing with their children so that they have beautiful childhood memories as well as form a good personality.
In addition, 2-year-old children need 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

Reference source: babycenter.com
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