At what age do boys stop growing in height?

The growth of height in boys and girls is different. Puberty is the time when boys develop their most amazing height. However, the age at which puberty begins in every boy is different, so it is difficult to predict exactly when a child will stop growing in height.

1. When do boys stop growing in height?

Puberty is a process of growth and changes that take place in the body as boys begin to mature. Puberty is different for each person, it can begin when a child is between the ages of 8-14.
The average age at which boys notice the first signs of puberty is around 12 years of age, and usually about a year later after girls start puberty.
The fastest rate of height growth in boys is usually 1-2 years after the onset of puberty. Meanwhile, the process for a child to develop physically into an adult will take 2 to 5 years. In general, boys will stop growing in height at the age of 16, and fully develop at the age of 18.

2. How does puberty affect height growth?

When entering puberty, most boys will go through an amazing period of growth in their height. However, every boy will have a different rate of height growth because their puberty can begin at different ages. Typically, boys will tend to grow an average of 3 inches, or 7.6cm, each year during puberty.
In general, a boy's age during puberty will not affect his final height, but it will affect when his height growth begins and stops.
Puberty in boys is generally divided into two main categories:
Precocious puberty : Boys will start puberty around 11 or 12 years old Late puberty : Boys will start puberty around 13 or 12 years old 14 years old.
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Both types of puberty achieve about the same average height (in inches), but boys with delayed puberty tend to grow taller at a faster rate to make up for the time previously undeveloped. During puberty, the maximum height that boys will reach is 92% of their adult height.
Even boys whose growth rate is limited before puberty begins will still achieve average height during puberty. However, this growth will not make up for the period of previous growth restriction.

3. Do genetic factors affect the height growth of boys?

In fact, genetic factors play an important role in the height development of boys. Therefore, researchers have based on the height of parents to be able to assess the height of their children. In addition, a number of other factors such as the level of physical activity, nutrition (including nutrition of the mother during pregnancy) can also partly affect the height growth of a woman. child.
You can predict the height of a boy through the following calculation: Add the heights of both parents (in inches), then divide that number by 2 and add 2.5 inches to get child height prediction results. For girls, you'll take the average of both parents' heights, then subtract 2.5 inches.
For example, a boy whose mother is 62 inches tall and his father is 70 inches tall, so this boy's predicted height will be calculated by the following steps:
B1: 62 + 70 = 132 B2: 132/2 = 66 B3: 66 + 2.5 = 68.5 So the boy's predicted height will be 68.5 inches, which is equivalent to 5 feet 8.5 inches.
However, the above calculation is only relative and cannot predict the height completely. On the other hand, researchers have found that height tends to grow along a curve, so marking children's heights by milestones from early childhood can predict growth. children's future.
In addition, some chronic diseases, such as severe arthritis or genetic conditions such as Down syndrome, can cause an adult to be shorter than originally expected.
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4. What is the average height in boys?

The average height in boys around the world is not the same. According to research, the average height of an adult US man would be 70.8 inches or 5 feet 9 inches. This average height is calculated by adding the height measurements of a certain group of people, and then dividing it by the number of people surveyed. This is not to say that people who are shorter or taller than this average are problematic, because every individual is different.
Half of boys at the earliest onset of puberty (10 years old) usually reach a height of less than 54.5 inches, equivalent to 138.5 cm. Below is a table showing the average height for boys, namely:

Is the height growth rate of boys different from girls?
In fact, boys and girls' bodies will have different growth rates. Boys seem to tend to develop at a faster rate than girls during childhood. On average, boys are usually taller than girls. This is also why experts use separate growth charts for boys and girls to measure the growth of children's height over time.

5. What causes growth retardation in boys?

Factors, including environment and diet, can significantly affect the height growth of boys. Research has shown that boys with a nutritionally deficient or malnourished diet are often not as tall or healthy as boys with a complete and balanced diet.
In addition, genetic conditions, diseases or the use of certain drugs, such as corticosteroids, can limit or delay the growth of boys.
Besides, the imbalance of hormones in the body also contributes to slowing down or even accelerating the growth rate of children. Parents should take their child to see a specialist if the child has the following symptoms:
The child is overweight or obese Malnutrition Is growing much faster or slower than initially expected Taller or shorter much more than other children of the same age Children who are growing very tall despite their parents being shorter Children who have not started puberty before the age of 14 The delay in height growth in boys can be easily most noticeable in childhood. Therefore, it is extremely important to take your child for regular health check-ups. At each visit, the pediatrician can monitor the child's development, such as taking X-rays of the child's hands and wrists, thereby taking timely remedial measures if any abnormalities occur. on child growth.
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6. How to ensure the best growth for boys?

In general, every individual has a maximum potential height. However, we will not achieve the best growth if we regularly eat unhealthy foods or use supplements without a doctor's prescription.
On the other hand, when applying a healthy diet, full of nutrients, sleeping on time, getting enough sleep and combined with regular exercise will help promote the growth of your height. boys during puberty. Healthcare professionals recommend that teenagers need 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night. A sleep is considered healthy when the child goes to bed on time and does not wake up too late in the morning.
During puberty, there can be a difference in height between boys of the same age. This is a difficult problem, but understanding the changes that a child's body is going through as well as the differences during puberty can help promote height growth in children.
Maturity in boys will take a certain time to mature and the important thing is that it happens differently for each person. Moreover, the period of puberty will cause boys to have many emotional changes, so parents and relatives should try to care and share more with children, help children understand and deal with them. best deal with puberty. In addition, to stimulate the growth of height for children, you should encourage your child to participate in sports, such as volleyball, badminton, basketball or swimming.
Vinmec International General Hospital is the right choice of parents to have accurate conclusions about the health status and development of their children. Your baby will be examined with a leading specialist in Pediatric Endocrinology, will have sex hormone blood tests, bone age assessment tests, brain MRI scans or some more specialized tests to determine the right diagnosis. causes of early/delayed puberty and timely intervention.
Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as customers wishing to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, please register for an online examination on the Website for the best service.

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