Can children or bedwetting be cured?

When children are 3 years old, they will enter the dry phase, most of them will stop bedwetting at this stage. Bedwetting behavior of children from 3 to 5 years old can be temporarily accepted, because children may not be fully developed neurologically, reflexes have not been fully established. But when the child is over 5 years old and often wets the bed, you need to take the child to the doctor.

1. The reason why children often wet the bed when sleeping

Bedwetting in children has two types:
Primary bedwetting: It is a condition where bedwetting occurs from childhood, continues until after the age of 5, does not go away. Secondary bed-wetting: A condition in which a child has recovered from bedwetting at the dry stage (three years old) but at 6-7 years old, the child has bedwetting again. Primary cause of bedwetting is that the child does not establish the reflex to urinate, or the process of establishing the reflex is not good. Normally, a full bladder stimulates the brain and the child wakes up to urinate. But those children who failed to establish this reflex continued to wet the bed. There are also children who often sleep with bedwetting because the bladder is not mature, this is a form of excretion disorder.
Secondary bedwetting is often a symptom of many different diseases, often associated with urinary tract infections such as cystitis and psychological illness.
Common causes of bedwetting in children include:
Heredity: If one parent had bedwetting in childhood, 40% of children will also have this disease. If both parents have had bedwetting in childhood, the risk of bedwetting is up to 70%-75%. Sleep disturbances: Children may dream that they have urinated outside without realizing that they are bedwetting. Children with central nervous system retardation: This prevents the child's brain from receiving notifications when the bladder is full, making the process of urination happen automatically. Endocrine disorders, diabetes, urinary obstruction, urinary tract infections, ... Bladder malformation, immature bladder capacity is too small, cannot control the operation of the urinary tract or the bladder itself. optical. Bedwetting due to stress in children: Bedwetting in school-age children (over 5 years old) is the most common pre-primary form, mainly due to psychological factors. Pressure from parents, or stressful study... can make children worry, leading to psychological disorders and bed-wetting. Sometimes due to a change in the school environment (such as the transition from kindergarten to first grade), children cannot adapt immediately, leading to anxiety, fear, bullying by friends, etc. enuresis. Children over the age of 5 who still often wet the bed can also be due to lack of care, or excessive attention, stress, sadness, children do not like to play with other children. The child's mood will become abnormal, upset because he feels he can't control himself. This in turn affects the child's psyche, making them even more stressed, forming a vicious cycle that is difficult to overcome.
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Trẻ hay đái dầm có thể do nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau gây ra

Experts recommend that you do not scold, ridicule or demean your child because of this disease. Children themselves do not want this situation to happen and are inherently very embarrassed and guilty. If a child is beaten or scolded, he will be both worried about bedwetting and afraid of his parents, so the more he loses confidence and stress, the more difficult it is to treat.
You need to remember that bedwetting is a health problem that your baby cannot solve on his own, so there is no benefit in your scolding and blaming. Instead of doing so, you should encourage your child, encourage him, and help him confidently practice according to the psychotherapy that the doctor instructs.

2. How to cure a child or bedwetting?

If the child after the age of 5 still wets the bed a little, ie once a month or every few months, it's okay, but if the frequency of bedwetting is a lot, like every week, every day, you should take the child to the doctor because the Purpose:
The first is to find the cause of the child's bedwetting. The second is to check if the child has normal psychomotor development. The third is to find out if there are psychological factors leading to the phenomenon of children bed-wetting while sleeping. Depending on the cause of your child's bedwetting, the doctor will have an appropriate treatment method. If the child's bedwetting is a symptom of a certain physical disease, then as long as the disease is completely treated, the child will naturally stop bedwetting. Psychogenic bedwetting should be treated with psychotherapy.
Before taking your child to see a doctor, you need to encourage, comfort, and show affection to the child so that the child does not suffer from inferiority complex and does not suffer from nervous tension that makes the disease worse. Avoid yelling at children, blaming them for affecting you by having to wash clothes because they wet the bed. You need to persistently remind your child to urinate at a time when he or she is bed-wetting, it is best to set an alarm and work hard to wake the child up to urinate. Always remind children to clean the external genitalia to avoid urinary tract infections, especially for girls. Because girls have a shorter urethral opening to the anus and anus than boys, they are more susceptible to infection upstream, which can cause bedwetting. You need to teach your child how to clean the external genitals, which is to flush from front to back. Children with bedwetting when sleeping due to urinary tract infections, in addition to bed-wetting children, also have retrograde urethritis, which greatly affects the function of the urinary tract, and can even be dangerous for children. If bedwetting in boys with stenosis of the foreskin should be treated early with a foreskin dilatation technique or inversion of the foreskin,...
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If it is not possible to improve bed-wetting in children with home remedies, parents should take the child to Vinmec International General Hospital for a diagnosis to determine the cause and treatment intervention. The leading urologists at Vinmec will perform the necessary examination methods to find out the cause of nocturia syndrome and give the most effective treatment advice to help children return to normal activities soon. normal.

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