Children suddenly anorexic and then prolonged: Cause

Children suddenly anorexic or stop eating is the worry of many parents who are taking care of young children. This phenomenon can stem from many different causes, but prolonged anorexia can affect the child's development.

1. Types of anorexia in children

The phenomenon of anorexia children is classified into 3 different types:
Psychological anorexic: This type of anorexia is usually caused by the child being scared every time he eats, the child being scolded, forced, and forced by parents or caregivers. must eat a lot... Children with anorexia are pathological: children suddenly lose their appetite every time they are sick, anorexia due to body fatigue. Physiological anorexia children: this is a very common form of anorexia, usually appearing when children enter a period of physical change, anorexia is related to the natural development cycle such as children naturally stop eating when teething, when learning to roll, learn to walk ... Children with anorexia due to psychology and anorexia due to pathology often cause children to anorexia for a long time if no solutions can be found. For physiological anorexia, children suddenly lose their appetite in only 1-2 weeks according to physical changes, after this time the child's body will gradually adapt to the change, most children will eat normally. usually return.

2. Symptoms of anorexia in children

Children are said to be anorexic when they have the following symptoms:
For children who are still breastfed, the child suddenly sucks less than usual, the child rarely or does not wake up to feed at night. shorter time, children do not actively even refuse to breastfeed; For weaning children, children only eat certain foods and refuse new foods, or even refuse foods that they used to like to eat; Regularly skip meals, if you eat, only eat very little; Crying when eating, sucking or spitting food; Naughty, hyperactive but ignores when eating; Standing on weight or losing weight, even when not sick.
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3. Causes that can lead to anorexia in children

Identifying the reasons why children naturally stop eating or children with long-term anorexia will greatly contribute to improving this situation:
3.1. Children suddenly become anorexic due to "boring" Many parents complain about their children suddenly giving up eating, even the foods they used to love, making parents extremely confused. However, in fact, it is very normal for children to be bored with a certain food that they ate regularly before, just as adults are suddenly bored with foods, children also have similar reactions. Children cannot express themselves in language, so they can only react by refusing to eat, even if their parents insist and comfort them.
Therefore, if the child naturally refuses to eat his favorite foods, parents should not try to force their child to eat all the food that the child refuses, instead should prepare a few new foods for the child to change the taste. On the other hand, parents should not assume that a food that a child has not eaten before means that the child hates the food and will not give it again, because a child's feelings and tastes will change during development. develop.
3.2. Children suddenly lose their appetite due to teething From the time the first teeth come in, the baby's baby teeth will continue to fully erupt until the child is 3 years old. Therefore, when the baby's baby teeth have not fully erupted, parents should not rule out the cause of the child's sudden anorexia due to teething. When teeth come in, they will hurt the gums, so children often do not want to eat. Some children even have diarrhea during teething, making them extremely uncomfortable, refusing all foods that parents prepare.
However, if the child suddenly has anorexia due to teething, even though the child does not want to, the parents still have to make sure to provide enough nutrition for this stage of development, try to help the child eat in any way or give the baby Drink more milk. If possible, see a pediatrician to help your baby relieve gum pain, support eating more delicious.
3.3. Children naturally stop eating when sick. Whenever a child is unwell due to any illness, it makes them extremely uncomfortable, irritable, and anorexic. Two very common diseases that cause children to suddenly lose their appetite, but often overlooked by parents, are gastroesophageal reflux disease and constipation.
When determining that children suddenly have anorexia due to this reason, parents should increase the amount of fiber in their children's meals. However, if the child is found to be anorexic for a long time, often uncomfortable, wants to go to the toilet after each meal, then parents should take the child to the pediatrician to find out the exact cause of the child's anorexia due to a medical condition. any.
3.4 Children can't chew food yet Many parents have a habit of pureeing all kinds of food for their children from a young age, when children are older and switch to plain food or eat rice like adults, children are easy to fall into. anorexia and refusal of food to find a sense of security, fear of choking, choking, or choking when eating food that is not pureed.
However, at this time, parents should not be too worried about the child's hunger and weight loss, but return to a pureed diet, parents should persevere in training their children to eat junk food little by little so that the baby gets used to it. gradually.
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3.5. Children who are busy playing and forget to eat Babies tend to gain weight strongly in the first year, then it will increase slowly and their appetite is also at risk of decreasing. This is explained by the fact that when children turn to walk, children begin to enjoy exploring the world, being more interested in toys, practicing new skills than with eating. For children from 2 years old onwards, refusing to eat is also a way for children to assert their independent development.
In this case, parents should not completely ban exploration to sit at the table, instead can satisfy their curiosity by encouraging children to prepare food with their mother, which will create create a sense of enjoyment when children enjoy their accomplishments. In addition, parents need to actively choose foods or supplements containing L-Lysine and B vitamins, which are ingredients that help increase appetite in children. When the child is hungry, it will stimulate the appetite, the child will automatically stop playing and eat well. In the case of children with prolonged anorexia, malabsorption, and growth retardation, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins. help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website to update useful baby care information.

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