Children vomit after taking medicine, should take a new dose?

Children vomiting after taking medicine is a very common condition, which not only reduces the dose of medicine entering the body, making it difficult to treat the disease, but also makes children feel afraid to take medicine. at the next times. So what should parents and relatives do when the child vomits after taking the medicine?

1. Why do children get nauseous when taking medicine?

Vomiting when taking medicine is a condition not only encountered in children but also adults. A few causes have been identified that cause children to drink or vomit, such as:
Bitter medicine makes children refuse to cooperate when taking it. Children drink in a state of crying, crying, forcing, so they are easy to choke and vomit after drinking. to drink. Children's swallowing function is often not fully developed, so they are prone to vomiting when drinking. This is considered the main reason why children often vomit and vomit after taking the medicine, making the treatment ineffective because the amount of medicine entering the body is not enough.

2. Should the child take another dose of medicine after vomiting?

In fact, whether to give the child back medicine after vomiting depends on many factors. In which, there is the time to take the medicine, the type of medicine, the amount of medicine, the health of the child, the age of the child... It is often difficult to fully determine these factors, so it is recommended that parents consult their parents. Consult your doctor for appropriate instructions.
The following is a rule based on the time a child takes the medicine until vomiting for parents to make a decision. Note that these are just basic guidelines that parents can refer to in each case.
The child vomits within 15 minutes of taking the medicine and the tablet can be seen (for tablets) in the vomit: The child needs an additional dose instead. Children take the medicine after 1 hour of vomiting (15-60 minutes): The baby can take another dose of the drug, so consider the treatment results and the side effects in case of overdose. Children take the medicine more than 1 hour after vomiting: The child does not need to take the dose again.

3. How to give children medicine so that they do not vomit?

Because children's resistance is still weak, they are very susceptible to diseases, so the use of drugs is unavoidable in many children. In order for the child's medication process to be effective and safe, parents should pay attention to the following issues:
Split the dose With bitter, difficult-to-take drugs, children will often not cooperate, children often react resist by closing your mouth, crying and if you try to force your child to drink, he will most likely vomit. At this time, the mother should actively divide the amount of medicine so that the child can take it more easily as well as avoid the child vomiting all in one drink.
However, with this method, mothers should note that the child's medication should not be taken more than 20 minutes between the divided doses for the drug to maximize its use in the treatment problem.
Inducing children to take medicine in different ways Many mothers, when they see their children do not cooperate, often keep their limbs, squeeze their nose so that their children do not protest. However, this method often affects children psychologically, making them very afraid to drink in the next time. It is better for parents to do many tricks to seduce their children slowly and quickly put the medicine spoon in their mouth while the child is not paying attention. For older children, parents can explain to their children that if their children refuse to take the medicine, they will have to go to the hospital for injections or stay in the hospital, which will be very painful.
In the case of infants, you can use objects that attract children such as teddy bears, shake music to attract children, then put the medicine in the baby's mouth. When the baby reacts to crying, it needs to be comforted, cuddled and calmed down to stabilize his mind, then continue to give him a drink.
Put the medicine in the baby's mouth properly The baby's taste buds are concentrated in the front and center of the tongue, so if the spoon is put in the front part of the tongue, the child immediately spits the medicine out and cries. However, if the medicine is placed more than 2/3 of the baby's tongue, it will help the baby swallow the medicine more.
Above are the explanations for why children vomit when taking medicine as well as how parents need to do to help their children take the medicine and limit vomiting. Parents can refer and apply to make their children's medication more effective and easier for them.

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