Newborn screening should be done and why?

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Cao Thi Thanh - Pediatrician - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital. Dr. Thanh has worked for 25 years in the treatment of neonatal pediatric diseases.
Newborn screening aims to detect rare but serious conditions in babies early, including hearing loss, congenital heart defects, and metabolic disorders. These tests are intended to detect disorders that can cause long-term health problems, or even death, if not diagnosed and treated promptly.

1. What is a newborn screening test?

Newborn screening tests check for rare but serious conditions in babies soon after birth. All hospitals conduct screening tests in the first days after birth, even if they appear to be healthy.
Tests include:
Hearing tests Screening for congenital heart defects Blood tests to screen for disorders including metabolic, genetic and endocrine problems. Most of these disorders have no obvious signs at birth. Screening tests only provide preliminary information to the doctor about whether to do further testing to make a more accurate diagnosis, to find out if the child really has a problem. The probability is about 1 in 300 newborns screened to detect the above defects.
Xét nghiệm tổng phân tích tế bào máu
Xét nghiệm máu để sàng lọc các rối loạn bao gồm các vấn đề về chuyển hóa, di truyền và nội tiết.
Recommended video:
Screening for congenital deafness and congenital heart defects in children

2. When and where is the newborn screening test?

Ideally, newborn screening tests will be done between 24 and 48 hours after your baby is born. If they are done earlier or later than that, birth defects may not be detected.
Newborns will have hearing and heart tests, blood drawn to perform early newborn screenings for neonatal malformations. In some places, your doctor will ask you to come back for a second test in a week or 2 to confirm the initial screening results.

3. Do newborn screening tests hurt babies?

Newborn screening tests cause little or no discomfort for your baby.
Blood tests: Heel blood is drawn in infants to screen for a number of disorders, including metabolic, genetic, and endocrine problems. Hearing test: Headphones and soft microphone are placed in the baby's ear to measure the ear's response. The headset will emit sounds and three electrodes on the baby's head will help measure how the baby's auditory nerves and brain stem are responding. If your baby doesn't pass the hearing test, you will be referred to a pediatric audiologist to find out if your baby has hearing loss. Screening for congenital heart defects (intravascular oxygen measurement): To screen for heart problems. First the amount of oxygen in the baby's blood is measured. If the initial test shows low blood oxygen, the baby will be tested again an hour or two later. If your baby's blood oxygen is still low, he'll have an echocardiogram and further heart checks. The results of the newborn screening will be communicated to you before you leave the hospital.
Lấy máu gót chân thực hiện vào lúc nào sau sinh?
Lấy máu gót chân ở trẻ sơ sinh để sàng lọc một số rối loạn, bao gồm các vấn đề về chuyển hóa, di truyền và nội tiết

5. What does a positive test result mean?

A positive result means that at least one of the test results is outside the normal range and further testing is needed. That doesn't necessarily mean your baby has a deformity.
However, if something is wrong, it's better to know as soon as possible. Most abnormalities can be improved or even completely controlled with fairly simple measures, such as giving medication or monitoring your child's diet. However, if left untreated, many conditions can have serious consequences, from intellectual disability to organ damage and even death.

6. What if the baby is born prematurely or has health problems?

Screening for babies born premature, low birth weight, or sick, is still in progress. But a special screening procedure may be needed, which your doctor can tailor specifically to your baby. Your baby's blood sample may need to be taken more than once.

7. Is prenatal screening necessary?

You can refuse to have newborn screening for your baby. However, screening will be fine and will not affect the baby. Newborn babies should be screened to help parents feel more secure.
8. Why not screen for as many disorders as possible? Mandatory screenings will be designated by the Ministry of Health of each country, based on the following criteria:
Reliability: Tests included in the screening need to ensure accuracy, not confusion. Screening: Need to be done at the right time Cost and budget: Screening costs need to be appropriate 9. What if you want to screen newborns for more than the hospital's package offers? Some health facilities offer additional newborn screening tests in addition to the basic screenings. Parents can sign up and pay as these extra screenings will not be covered by insurance.
Lợi ích của sàng lọc sơ sinh
Sàng lọc sơ sinh sẽ tốt và không ảnh hưởng đến bé
The pediatric department at Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for receiving and examining diseases that infants and young children are susceptible to: viral fever, bacterial fever, otitis media, pneumonia in children. ,... With modern equipment, sterile space, minimizing the impact as well as the risk of disease spread. Along with that is the dedication from the doctors with professional experience with pediatric patients, making the examination no longer a concern of the parents.

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