Supplement vitamin A for children properly

Post by Master, Doctor Nguyen Nam Phong - Pediatrician - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital

Vitamin A has a role in maintaining vision, nerve function and fighting free radicals. As a very necessary substance for the human body, so mothers need to supplement vitamin A for children in the right way.

1. What is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A acts as a strong antioxidant in the body. It plays an important role in maintaining vision, nerve function.... Like all antioxidants, it is also involved in fighting inflammation through fighting free radicals. .
As an essential substance for the human body, especially eye cells, vitamin A is classified into 3 different forms that we can find in different sources. Specifically:
Retinol Beta Carotenoid Carotenoid. However, vitamin A exists in nature in two forms:
Retinol: The active form of vitamin A and is assimilated directly by the body. Provitamin A: It is a prodrug of vitamin A better known as beta-carotene. This precursor is converted by the intestines into vitamin A that the body can use.

2. The important function of vitamin A for children

The important functions that vitamin A brings to children are as follows:
Sight: The eyes are composed of pigments containing vitamin A. It is absorbed by the nerve flow and transported by the optic nerve. sense. Therefore, the presence of vitamin A is an indispensable part of ensuring children's vision. Tissues: Proper vitamin A supplementation for children will help stimulate the development of epithelial tissues such as horny tissues, intestines and respiratory tracts. It also has a special effect on the skin, stimulates the healing of scars and prevents skin diseases in children. Growth: Due to the important role in human cell development, vitamin A supplementation for babies is an indispensable factor for development. Vitamin A is also important for bone growth. Immune system: Due to its specific actions on the body's cells, vitamin A is actively involved in disease resistance and the immune system. Anti-cancer: Its inhibitory activity with free radicals may also prevent some cancers.
bổ sung vitamin a cho trẻ
Bổ sung vitamin A cho trẻ đúng cách sẽ giúp kích thích quá trình phát triển của bé

3. Supplementing with vitamin A for children enough and properly

To prevent vitamin A deficiency, infants and young children need to be breastfed, especially colostrum. Here is how to supplement vitamin A for children enough and properly:
When children enter the age of weaning, mothers need to change a variety of foods to prepare food and create palatability and suitability for children. young, but still ensure to provide the necessary amount of vitamin A in each serving. Add more fat and fat to the child's diet, because vitamin A is an oil-soluble vitamin, so a diet lacking in fat will reduce the body's ability to absorb vitamin A. Currently, the composition of cooking oils for children contains a high content of vitamin A. Just 1 tablespoon of cooking oil (5 ml) into porridge, just cooked flour, children will be provided with enough fat. and helps absorb vitamin A in food. In addition, mothers can also add many other important nutrients such as DHA, EPA, omega 3, 6, 9 for the physical and brain development of the child. Children under 6 months but not breastfed also need vitamin A supplements at health stations with a single dose of 50,000 IU. Babies 6 to 36 months of age should be given a high dose of vitamin A every 6 months. In addition, children from 1 to 5 years old should take a dose of 200,000 units of vitamin A every 3 to 6 months. Currently on the market there are many drugs that are advertised as vitamin A supplements or multivitamins. , but it's still best to add vitamins from nature. 4. Choose foods rich in vitamin A Here are foods rich in vitamin A that mothers can add to their daily menu for children:
Retinol is a provitamin A form. This is a very effective and active substance. for the body, is found in the animal body, but especially in the liver, because the liver is a place to store vitamin A, so animal liver contains a lot of vitamin A content. Beta carotene is a yellow substance that we commonly found in food. It is also a provitamin A contained in yellow vegetables. Carotenoids are divided into many different types and can be found in coconuts, animals and plants. In nature, vitamin A is abundant in eggs, milk, butter, liver, and animal meat. In particular, mackerel liver contains a lot of vitamin A. Cod liver oil is the first drug used to supplement vitamin A for children. Usually vitamin A is contained in many green vegetables such as water spinach, amaranth, spinach, jute ... and dark yellow vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, mango, papaya, etc. Gac fruit.... Although the food source of vitamin A is very rich, most mothers do not know how to combine these foods when preparing food for their baby, so that the baby can absorb vitamin A. or vitamin A precursors from the daily diet in the best way. Therefore, mothers should learn more or consult a specialist to be able to supplement vitamins for children in the best way.

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