The meal lasts more than 30 minutes - Beware that the child is anorexic

A lot of parents have the thought of feeding their children as much as possible, if they don't supplement one place, they will supplement another. Therefore, instead of feeding their children scientifically, at the right time, at the right time, many people patiently force their children to eat all the food they have prepared, regardless of how long each meal lasts. .
Video content is professionally consulted by Doctor Pham Lan Huong - Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

1. Are long meals the cause of anorexia in children?

In fact, according to nutrition experts, prolonging meals beyond 30 minutes is one of the reasons why anorexia in children appears more and more, or becomes more serious when children are available. previous symptoms of anorexia.
According to Doctor Pham Lan Huong - Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital, the time spent on each meal should be from 20 to 30 minutes, maybe longer at dinner because this is the time to chew and eat. swallowing food, excluding time for private talk or work. When eating too quickly, the food is not thoroughly crushed, the esophagus and stomach are easily damaged, leading to acute inflammation. If this inflammation leaves scars, it will affect functioning, making it difficult to chew and swallow.
It is not advisable to prolong a meal beyond 30 minutes. Because after 30 minutes, the baby's food is also cold, sometimes it is still grout, so it is more difficult for the baby to eat and not want to eat is inevitable. In addition, should let the children eat according to their needs, usually if the baby wants to eat, he will eat quickly and get all the energy he needs, and then, the mother trying to force or coax the child to eat only makes the child more uncomfortable. bored with food, gradually leading to loss of interest in eating and loss of appetite.
Especially, beyond 30 minutes, it is difficult for children to continue to focus on meals. At this time, where meals should be a time of joy and comfort, for children, meals are a time full of discomfort, frustration, and even fear, so parents also contribute to affect anorexia in children.
According to doctor Pham Lan Huong, children at any stage should be properly oriented to meals. In addition to dividing the number of main meals and snacks during the day, parents should pay special attention to not prolonging children's meals for more than 30 minutes.

2. How to feed the baby in 30 minutes?

After 30 minutes, regardless of whether there is food or not, the meal should be stopped so that the child has time to rest and do other activities. To be able to do this, parents can apply a few tips such as:
Involving children in the cooking process to stimulate psychological eagerness to experience the results. Feed the child right after the food is prepared to keep the color and taste attractive to the child. Explain clearly to children that they need to eat within a certain time, can not last too long because it will affect many other activities. Respect children's needs, do not force children to eat even a small amount. Constantly changing menus, asking children about their favorite foods, supplementing with essential micronutrients, stimulating appetite Paying attention to children's digestive system, because the cause of anorexia is closely related to the digestive system. Eating at the right time is the way to regulate a healthy digestive system.

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