What medicine should be used when the child has diaper rash?

Article by Doctor Pham Thi Kim Dung - Faculty of Pharmacy - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.

Diaper rash is redness and inflammation on the skin covered by the diaper. Diaper rash is a common skin problem in infants and young children usually between the ages of 9 and 12 months, however diaper rash can occur at any other age in diaper-wearing babies.

1. Why does the baby get diaper rash?

Reasons for baby's diaper rash:
May be due to irritation, bacterial infection from urine and feces, ... or due to allergies. Diaper rash usually occurs when a child has diarrhea or has recently taken antibiotics.
Irritated skin: is red and infected skin, usually caused by urine and feces in the diaper layer. The location of the rash is usually below the navel, the lower abdomen, on the thighs, and the genital area. The rash may be red and painful, scaly, and watery.
Skin infections (Candida) are usually in the folds between the thighs and the skin, the folds between the genitals. The site of fungal infection is usually dark red with or without yellow pus, with fluid that can burst and slough off.
Skin allergies : It is possible that sensitive skin is allergic to diaper/diaper ingredients such as dyes, diapers/diaper preservatives... Allergies that cause diaper rash are usually itchy, red, large and scaly. .
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2. How to treat when the baby has a diaper rash?

Often children with diaper rash are cared for and treated at home. When the condition of the child's diaper rash is worse accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, blood in the stool, pus-infected skin, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination and treatment.
Principles of treating children with diaper rash adhere to the "ABCDE" principle
A – (air out the skin): Make air out of the skin by removing the diaper B – (barrier): Use greases, skin protection cream C - (clean): Clean skin D - (disposable diapers): During the time the child is having diaper rash, consider giving the child a disposable diaper instead of a cloth diaper. E – (educate): Learn how to prevent recurrence of diaper rash for your baby.
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3. What medicine should be used when the child has diaper rash?

Protective ointments and creams should be applied at each diaper change. These products often have zinc oxide and petrolatum ingredients that protect the skin from moisture. In addition, there may be additional ingredients such as lanolin, paraffin, dimethicone.
Powder ingredients containing talcum powder, cornstarch can prevent moisture in babies but are not recommended to treat diaper rash in babies.
Antifungal products may be prescribed to treat diaper rash caused by yeast infections. In this case, the doctor usually prescribes for the child to apply 2-3 times a day and can be applied under the fat layer of skin protection cream. In case the child has a severe diaper rash, the doctor may prescribe a topical cream containing corticosteroids or antibiotics.
Do not give children special creams and solutions that contain preservatives, fragrances or other additives because they can make children's skin prone to allergies and irritation. Parents need to carefully read the label of ointments and creams before using on children's skin.
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4. Notes when taking care of children with diaper rash?

The “ABCDE” principle should be followed in caring for a baby with diaper rash.
In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to preventing the recurrence of diaper rash in children as follows:
Change diapers frequently to minimize skin contact time with urine and feces During the time the child has diaper rash, diapers should be used. disposable diapers because diapers are highly absorbent and designed to prevent wetness on the diaper surface. If cloth diapers must be used, avoid wearing nylon pants over the diaper. Cloth diapers should be washed thoroughly with hot water and baby laundry detergent. Thoroughly wipe the affected area gently with warm water and a soft cloth. Do not use soap with fragrance or alcohol. Dove products for sensitive skin or Cetaphil can be used safely on babies. With the area of ​​​​the baby's skin with diaper rash to peeling, should use a cloth towel, soak it in warm water and squeeze it on the baby's skin to clean, then use a soft towel to pat the skin dry. Avoid wiping, which is easy to cause friction to damage the skin.
Thay tã, hăm tã
Thay tã thường xuyên để tránh kích ứng da của trẻ

If the child has a fever, hard stools, diarrhea, frequent urination or any other signs of worsening, parents need to take the child to a medical facility for examination and treatment by a doctor.

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