Pregnant women flying by plane: Things to note

The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ly Thi Thanh Nha - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec International Hospital Da Nang.
Many studies have shown that flying is mostly safe for healthy pregnant women, with no associated medical risks, and no increased risk of pregnancy complications. However, air travel is not recommended for pregnant women at risk for medical or obstetric problems. This article will provide useful knowledge about flying for pregnant women.

1. Does flying pregnant women affect the fetus?

When flying, the ambient conditions will change along with the physiological changes during pregnancy that will lead to increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and a significant decrease in ventilation capacity. However, according to experts' research, the respiratory rate in pregnant women has a short increase during takeoff and landing but remains unchanged for the rest of the flight. The mean fetal heart rate was within the normal range during flight.
Sitting in one place for a long time and low humidity in the cabin for many hours also leads to risks such as lower extremity edema and venous thrombosis. Despite the lack of medical evidence on this, we should prevent possible risks to pregnant women by: using medical stockings, avoiding tight clothing, exercising feet frequently, walk around in the compartment occasionally, and stay hydrated.

Air turbulence and the risk of injury during the flight are unpredictable, so passengers - especially pregnant women need to pay attention to use seat belts when sitting. The seat belt must be fastened low above the hip bone. Avoid smelly foods or drinks. Antiemetics (prescribed by a doctor) should be used to prevent nausea in women.
When traveling by plane, noise, vibration and radiation may pose a risk but are not significant to pregnant women. Even on the longest intercontinental flights, radiation exposure does not exceed 15% of the upper limit, so fetal radiation exposure is rarely exceeded. However, pregnant women need to be informed about this. Before boarding, passengers must go through security scanners. For the most part, the radiation levels of these devices are quite safe, even for pregnant women.
So can cabin pressure in an airplane harm the baby? All airlines are required to ensure a safe cabin pressure for passengers. For women with healthy pregnancies, this should not cause any effect. However, for some people, heart rate and blood pressure can increase due to low cabin air pressure.
Morning sickness is worsened by air travel due to the increase in altitude and temperature. Vomiting a lot can make the body dehydrated, so pregnant women should drink plenty of water during and after the flight to avoid dehydration.

2. What should pregnant women pay attention to when traveling by plane?

Most pregnant women can fly during this time. However, for people with pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, placental abruption, the doctor will advise you not to fly. In addition, women who have had a premature birth or miscarriage should not go. Women who are due to give birth should not fly. The safest time for pregnant women to fly is around the middle of the second trimester (from 14 to 27 weeks). Some carriers may refuse to ship if you are in the last months of pregnancy. To maintain a steady blood flow to the fetus and reduce swelling, you need to do some of the following: First, drink plenty of water to keep your body moist. Low humidity inside the cabin can lead to dehydration. Bring the necessary items: Carrying the necessary tools will help you have a comfortable and pleasant flight. You can bring the following items: a neck pillow, some snacks like cookies are very important for pregnant women to fly because they can help control nausea. Bring all necessary medications. Rotate ankles and wrists, walk back and forth for a few minutes, and lift legs up and down to relieve symptoms of tightness and cramping. The timing of the flight is also worth noting for pregnant women because obstetric emergencies can occur especially in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. There are also some tips to help you stay comfortable such as:
Before take off, don't eat any other food to avoid bloating. Ask for a seat in the middle of the plane, near the aisle, so you can get to the restroom quickly. Fasten your seat belt during the flight. Seat belts must be placed below the belly and low above the hips. Sitting for a long time in one position can cause your joints to become tight and cramped, so get up and move around for a few minutes. Drinking plenty of water while flying is important to remember.

3. Regulations on flying with pregnant women

Để đảm bảo tốt nhất cho bà bầu, hầu hết các hãng hàng không thương mại trên thế giới cho phép vận chuyển hành khách mang thai với tuổi thai dưới 36 tuần
To ensure the best for pregnant women, most commercial airlines in the world allow transporting pregnant passengers with a gestational age of less than 36 weeks. In Vietnam, airlines also have specific regulations on transporting pregnant passengers as follows:
Under 32 weeks: be transported as normal passengers. From 32 to 36 weeks: must have a health certificate before the flight. Over 36 weeks/with expected time to give birth within 7 days/woman 7 days after giving birth: not transported for health safety reasons. Pregnant women should pay attention to learn about each airline's regulations on transporting pregnant passengers. Bring the antenatal care book so that when an unexpected incident occurs, there is a medical basis for the doctor to intervene appropriately. Pregnant women also need information about their plans to fly when going to antenatal care, so that the doctor can give appropriate advice when there are danger signs.
Master. Doctor. Ly Thi Thanh Nha has worked at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital and Quang Tri Provincial General Hospital before working at Vinmec Danang International General Hospital as it is today.
Doctor Nha has strengths and experience in diagnosing, monitoring and treating pregnancy, pregnancy pathology. Pregnancy screening. Perform caesarean section techniques. Laparoscopic surgery to treat ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy.

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