Signs of depression in love - when to seek therapy?

Breaking up is something no one wants in love. Feelings of pain and torment when breaking up can lead to heavy psychological effects, especially depression. Depression after a breakup has a huge impact on a patient's physical and mental health.

1. Signs of depression after a breakup

Do not accept the breakup: Being deeply in love or too familiar with the old relationship makes the patient not accept the breakup, always feels uncomfortable inside, deceives himself and hopes this is not the case. is the truth. Bored, always moody: People with depression after a breakup are always moody, tired, and bored. This is also a common expression of many people after ending a relationship. Loss of interest in work and life: The psychological shock is so great that the patient loses interest in work and life. Despair, boredom and neglect of everything, greatly affect work, life and social relationships. Self-isolation: Feeling bored, losing interest causes the patient to isolate himself, creating distance from friends and relatives around. Not eating well: The patient has no appetite, anorexia, stops eating, affecting health. Sleep disorders: people with depression in love often have insomnia, difficulty falling asleep. Sad thoughts, obsessions, and emotions make them tense and anxious. Poor sleep, restless sleep, easy to wake up in the middle of the night.
Người bị trầm cảm trong tình yêu thường bị mất ngủ, khó đi vào giấc ngủ
Emotional disturbance: The patient is suffering from severe emotional trauma, so he is easily upset, crying, and agitated, especially when there are effects that remind the patient of the old relationship. Negative thoughts: The patient will have negative thoughts such as that he is not good, no one loves and cares about him anymore, even thinking about suicide, ending a miserable life. Self-harm: People who suffer from depression after a breakup may have self-injurious actions such as: cutting hands and feet with knives, soaking in the rain, committing suicide... Fear of love relationships Feelings: After the breakup of a relationship, the person tends to distrust any relationship anymore, thinking that everything is fake and not lasting. The breakup can haunt the patient's psyche, not daring to start a new love story.

2. When to treat depression after a breakup?

The signs of depression after a breakup are similar to those of a person's normal distress at the end of a deep love. Therefore, people are often subjective and do not intervene or have any psychological treatment.
Depression in love needs treatment when:
Sadness, hopelessness does not improve or disappears after about 1 month Unable to do anything, even simple or normal tasks daily activities Always have thoughts or actions that hurt themselves If any of the above signs are present, the patient needs to be examined and treated promptly to alleviate psychological trauma, improve life and prevent life-threatening negative actions.
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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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