Vaginal discharge and white blood: What you need to know

The article is professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Le Nhat Nguyen - Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Physiological white blood is a normal vaginal discharge, but there are many reasons why white blood has a pathological nature, at this time it is medically called vaginal discharge.

1. What is the difference between discharge and white blood?

Under normal physiological health conditions, plasma percolates through tiny capillaries, through lymph nodes in the vaginal wall along with mucus produced by glands in the labia majora - labia minora, vestibule, uterus, urethra, bladder... secretion.
This plasma mixes with sloughed epithelial cells of the uterus and vagina, with a little lymph, free cells, the result is a milky white mucus, resembling egg white, slightly fishy or odorless. The above factors are the manifestation of physiological white blood cells.
The nature and quantity of white blood secreted depends on the amount of estrogen in each woman's body. For example, when young, the genital system is not fully developed. In general, there is no hormone in the vagina, so there is no white blood.
At puberty, the ovaries gradually develop and secrete stimulants that cause the reproductive system to produce endocrine substances, so there is white blood. In adulthood, the ovaries are fully developed, and every month they secrete estrogen and progesterone, so the white blood cells secrete change with each cycle. Depending on the estrogen and progesterone levels, the white blood will be more or less. During the menstrual cycle, the amount of estrogen increases, the organization of the glandular body in the cervix is ​​also secreted a lot, the water content in it increases, so the mucus like egg white appears. can be threaded, especially before ovulation about 12-24 hours. This hormone secretes more and more, so it makes women always feel wet.
Khí hư và huyết trắng: Những điều cần biết
Huyết trắng giúp bảo vệ môi trường âm đạo khỏi vi khuẩn gây bệnh
After ovulation, the amount of the hormone progesterone increases, inhibiting the increase of mucus secretion in the cervix, at this time the white blood is usually milky white, denser and sticky. In addition, during pregnancy, when doing heavy work, especially when stimulating sexual activities, white blood also increases a lot, sometimes flowing out. Therefore, under normal physiological conditions, white blood is sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, sometimes its properties change slightly, in general, it is a normal state.
Besides physiological leukocytosis, some bacteria can cause leukocytosis, such as yeast (Candida albicans), flagella (Trichomonas), bacteria, etc. Infectious characteristics of each disease show different characteristics of the discharge.
For example, vaginal discharge caused by yeast infection (Candida albicans), is milky white, sticky patches, sometimes has a bad smell, accompanied by symptoms of itching in the vulva.
Discharge due to infection with Trichomonas Vaginalis is yellow - green, dilute, foamy, secretes a lot, accompanied by symptoms of vulvar itching.
Discharge due to bacteria, usually anaerobic bacteria, Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma... yellow or gray, thin, foul-smelling, evenly coated on the vaginal wall.
In general, white blood plays a very important role in a woman's physiological life, it shows the hormonal status and health of a woman. White blood not only keeps the vaginal environment always moist, but also has the effect of preventing bacteria from entering.
Khí hư và huyết trắng: Những điều cần biết
Khi thấy khí hư bất thường nên được thăm khám và điều trị kịp thời
However, there are many causes for white blood to have a pathological nature, called vaginal discharge, most of which are caused by inflammation. Therefore, when you see a change in vaginal discharge such as a bad smell, color, or abnormal quantity, it should be checked and treated promptly.

2. Some frequently asked questions about vaginal discharge and white blood

Physiological white blood is odorless, clear white, usually abundant at ovulation, less menstrual flow, more dense and opaque, does not cause discomfort or itching.
Pathological white blood or discharge with a bad smell, a lot, white solid color, clumps like yogurt, should be examined and stained with white blood. The cause may be cervical ectropion.
Normal physiological white blood represents the state of reproductive and gynecological health of healthy women. If you have an abnormal color, bad smell, accompanied by symptoms of pain, itching, discomfort, you should see a specialist soon for diagnosis and treatment.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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