What should people with osteoporosis eat?

The article was written by Master, Doctor Nguyen Van Quyet - Head of Medical Examination Department - Department of Medical Examination - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Osteoporosis is a disease that reduces bone density due to calcium deficiency or other causes. Osteoporosis is common in women because bones are easily broken and degenerated,... by the process of pregnancy and childbirth; due to endocrine. Osteoporosis what to eat is the question of many people when they turn 30. The following nutritional principles can help to cope with this disease, reduce the development of the disease.

1. Symptoms of osteoporosis

Reduced height. Curved back, bent hips. Fragile bones. Or hip and back pain. Less exposure to the sun. Improper nutrition, drinking. Been on a diet. Less physical activity. Smoking, drinking alcohol.

2. Principles of nutrition in osteoporosis

Eat foods rich in calcium (Cheese, yogurt, cow's milk, dried shrimp, soybeans,...) Ensure adequate nutrition, especially calcium, in the daily diet. Supplement vitamin D and calcium as needed.
Bệnh loãng xương nên ăn gì
Đảm bảo cung cấp đủ dinh dưỡng đặc biệt là canxi trong khẩu phần hàng ngày.
Eat enough fat: Energy provided by lipids accounts for 15-25% of total dietary energy. Eat less than 5 grams of salt per day. Do not eat fast food and processed foods. Do not smoke and limit alcohol, beer and carbonated water. Do not drink too much coffee and tea. Limit the use of substances that reduce calcium absorption: Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, bone water, foods rich in iron, ...

3. Life mode

Regular moderate physical activity. Sunbathe 30 minutes/day before 9am.
Huyết áp cao ở người già
Người bị loãng xương nên tắm nắng 30 phút/ngày trước 9h sáng.
Regular moderate physical activity

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