White chrysanthemum cures dizziness, dizziness

Chrysanthemums have been grown popularly in Vietnam for a long time. In addition to being ornamental, used as tea, chrysanthemum also has medicinal effects. White chrysanthemums are only as big as a buttonhole, also known as white daisies. Is a small tree, about 0.5 - 1m high, the whole body has white, soft hairs. Leaves alternate, white hairy, divided into 3 - 5 lobes, margins serrated and wavy, underside with many white moldy hairs. Chrysanthemum flowers grow at the tips of branches or leaves, 2.5 - 5cm in diameter, beautiful white color.
Normally, the flowers are harvested when the flowers are not yet bloomed and dried in the shade or dried slowly at low temperature, stored and used gradually. Usually 5-6kg of fresh flowers for 1kg of dried chrysanthemums. It is best to use fresh white chrysanthemums when used as medicine, which will be more effective than dried white chrysanthemums.
According to traditional medicine, white chrysanthemum cool, bitter taste in two sutras: mind, waste; has the first effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, excepting phlegm, suppressing cough; cool liver, bright eyes, treatment of colds, headaches, high blood pressure, dizziness, headache, red eyes, pain, watery eyes... : 10g white chrysanthemum, 8g flower, 3g peanut. All washed, poured 550ml water, still 250ml water divided 3 times. Need to drink 10 times in a row.
Cure headaches caused by weather changes: 9g white chrysanthemum, 3g jasmine flower, 10g pennywort, 5g cypress chrysanthemum. All washed, poured 700ml of boiled water to 300ml of water, divided 3 times a day. Need to drink 3-5 days in a row.
Cure dizziness, vertigo, tired people, insomnia, body weakness: 10g white chrysanthemum, 12g wormwood, 8g gotu kola, 10g angelica flowers, 8g clover leaves. All washed for 700ml of decoction and 250ml of water divided 3 times a day. Need to take 5 days in a row.
Support for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis: 40g white chrysanthemum, 30g perilla, drink instead of tea daily.
Helps to brighten eyes: Daily use of white chrysanthemum tea to drink for a long time will make eyes bright and long.
These remedies are only used for people with mild disease or used in combination with treatment drugs. Severely ill people need to see a doctor and prescribe the appropriate medication.
Theo Doctor Huu Nam - SKĐS

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