Missed period, tight breasts are signs of pregnancy?

Hello doctor,
I had sex with you and did not use any method about 3 weeks ago, but she came out, not inside. However, I still feel worried because my period is irregular, so I'm not sure how many days later than last month, expected about 3-4 days. When I read the signs of pregnancy, I didn't have any symptoms but I was still worried. When my period is near, I often have difficulty breathing and back pain. However, this time, the pain in the left breast spreads to the armpit, sometimes the shoulder is numb, the nipples on both sides are painful but not painful and bulging or dark as described in the sign of pregnancy. So missed periods, tight breasts are signs of pregnancy? I hope you can answer my questions as soon as possible. Thank you doctor!
Honganh (1993)
Answered by Doctor Nguyen Thi Tam - Clinician - Obstetrics Department - Reproductive Support Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
With The question "Slow period, tight breasts are signs of pregnancy? , the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Currently, vaginal ejaculation is still considered a safe method of contraception without affecting the health of both men and women. However, the contraceptive effectiveness for this method is not high. In fact, there are relatively many cases of ejaculation outside the vagina while having sex still pregnant. Therefore, this method is not recommended for use as a primary method of contraception.
Clinical manifestations of early pregnancy are very diverse but do not have high diagnostic value. Every woman has different signs of pregnancy or even different symptoms between pregnancies. Also, because the early symptoms of pregnancy are often similar to those that can be experienced before and during menstruation, it can be difficult for a woman to realize she is pregnant. So the only way to know for sure if you're pregnant is with a pregnancy test or a beta hCG blood test.
If you still have questions about signs of pregnancy, you can go to a hospital under Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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