Notes during pregnancy What is IVF?

Hello doctor,
My wife and I just transferred IVF embryos last month and now have a successful pregnancy. What is the IVF pregnancy advice? Thank you doctor!
Anonymous customer
Answered by Dr. BS Jean Clement Sage - Fertility specialist, Reproductive Center, Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
With the question “What is IVF pregnancy note? ", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
IVF pregnancy is not much different from natural pregnancy, but there are some special points to note:
Firstly, it is necessary to pay attention to hormonal treatment accompanying embryo transfer to the chamber. utero (whether fresh embryo transfer a few days after egg retrieval or frozen embryo transfer). Doctors will closely control this treatment process by monitoring endocrine blood tests to adjust accordingly until it can be stopped.
Second, monitor the Beta HCG index regularly (fetal hormone secreted from the placenta) to make sure the fetus is developing well and ultrasound after 3 weeks from the day of embryo transfer to check that the embryo has entered the uterus. not yet.
Third, the doctor must monitor the patient's health status and history (miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, surgery, diabetes....) to make necessary recommendations.
In general, in the first 3 months of pregnancy, you should rest as much as possible, avoid long movements, have a balanced diet and do not supplement with functional foods (vitamins, iron...) if you don't mean it. doctor's opinion. You should wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before use, should not eat raw or undercooked fish to avoid bacteria and parasites, prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages, should not use high-sugar beverages because of increased risk. gestational diabetes. You can have gentle, painless sex.
After 3 months, IVF pregnancy takes place like a natural pregnancy but still should always pay attention to the mother's pregnancy history. If you are pregnant with twins, closer monitoring is needed because of the possible risk of premature delivery.
If you still have questions about IVF pregnancy precautions, you can go to a hospital under Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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