How has cancer affected your family life?

The article is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Le Thien Quang - Internal Oncologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital. The doctor has more than 15 years of experience in the field of examination and diagnosis of oncological diseases and treatment modalities of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy and palliative care.
Understanding the potential changes in relationships during cancer treatment can help patients manage their emotions and expectations to overcome the disease.

1. How does cancer affect married life?

During this difficult time, married life will be greatly tested both physically and mentally. The general atmosphere is one of sadness, anxiety, anger or even despair. Some changes in married life that can be felt:
Roles and responsibilities For a couple where one of them has cancer, the other will be responsible for the housework and work harder. In addition, they often have to take care of sick people at home or in the hospital.
If your husband or wife is not used to being a carer, your burden of work and dependence can make him or her feel tired, frustrated, and resentful. Many patients are psychologically afraid that their loved ones will know about their medical condition, but they try to hide treatment information. Regardless of the situation, you should disclose to your loved one about your feelings, problems, and needs.
This is a very necessary job in this difficult period, you should not hide or suffer alone. Family members need to share with each other as much as possible to find a way to solve problems in a reasonable way.
Sexual health and intimacy Cancer and cancer treatment can have a big impact on sexual health between couples. Side effects from cancer treatment such as depression, fatigue, nausea, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and other physical or emotional problems can decrease sex drive or cause making sexual activities more difficult and painful.
Maybe you don't know how to solve this problem. It's important to see your doctor or therapist to better understand how to manage side effects that affect sexual health, and how to help couples maintain intimacy.
Future plans
Ung thư ảnh hưởng đến kế hoạch tương lai
Ung thư ảnh hướng đến các kế hoạch tương lai của gia đình
If in the past, you and your loved ones both had plans, hopes and dreams in the future, cancer more or less changed these beliefs. Plans like retirement, traveling or parenting can be completely altered.
Don't give up on your dreams and plans, share with your loved ones to continue making or come up with new choices and short-term goals, such as ending cancer treatment. When completing short-term goals, patients will find joy and satisfaction, thereby motivating you to overcome difficulties, overcome illness to continue implementing plans. next in the future.

2. How does cancer affect relationships in family and friends?

Your friend's reaction to your condition may vary depending on how close you are to them. In some cases, friends are not able to support you as expected because they do not know your current situation well.
Sometimes they don't know what to say and how, so they choose to avoid talking to you. On the contrary, there are some people who talk a lot and do what they think is best for you. While it's good for them to be supportive and interested in you, it can make you feel uncomfortable and resentful.
No matter how upset you are, you should not blame them because they themselves are more or less confused. To maintain a good relationship and make you more comfortable, communicate, communicate and express more with them (for example, you actively bring up the topic to talk about).
For family, you can ask your loved one to help with some small chores that will help them feel comfortable having helped you do something.
In addition, you should actively engage in social interaction to maintain relationships. This helps you live a more positive and optimistic life with the disease.

3. How does cancer affect relationships with children?

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Cha mẹ nên nói chuyện với con cái về tình trạng bệnh của mình
Talking to Children Many parents, upon learning that they have cancer, choose to hide their illness from their children. However, children will be very sensitive and can easily recognize unusual changes in their family, they will even think of extremely bad situations. Ideally, you should share honestly with your children and let them know the relative situation of your illness so that they are not too scared and disturbed in life.
Pay attention to changes in your child's behavior A diagnosis can change your child's behavior. Some young children will overreact or become agitated, while older children will sulky and "closed in a corner" in family relationships. The main reason is that the children are afraid and worried about your illness. At this time, you should comfort the child with parental love and confide in the child to understand what he is worried about. Don't stop them from helping you, let them do what they can for you at this time.
Psychology of cancer patients has many negative stages, therefore, in addition to support, encouragement and care from family, patients need emotional and psychological treatment by psychologists Professional and appropriate. Besides, the application of the right therapy is also one of the important factors to help cancer patients overcome their fears, depression, and feelings of torment.
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