Treatment of metastatic cancer: Increased effectiveness when combined with heat therapy

Expertly consulted by BSCK I Nguyen Thi Phi Yen, Head of Palliative Care Unit, Center for Oncology - Radiation Therapy, Vinmec Times City International Hospital
Treating cancer that has spread is a huge challenge - especially when it is no longer sensitive to conventional treatments, and the ability to kill cancer cells is not very hopeful. In this context, combination thermotherapy (or hyperthermia) is considered effective in all stages, both in cases of relapse or failure of other methods.

Combined with thermotherapy, the effectiveness of treatment response is up to 67%

Around the world, thermotherapy has been applied by many cancer centers in the US, Japan, Germany in the treatment of recurrent breast cancer, cervical cancer, head and neck cancer, bone and soft tissue cancer. .. The results show that when adding heat therapy with radiation or chemotherapy, the overall response rate increases by an average of 50-67% (compared to 40% without the combination).
In Vietnam, the Center for Oncology - Radiation Therapy, Vinmec Times City International Hospital for the first time applied thermotherapy since October 2018. The therapy is combined with radiation therapy, chemotherapy and autologous immune system booster therapy with many positive results, especially no side effects are noted.
Typical is the story of Mr. Phi Dang Ngoc (57 years old, Hanoi) who discovered cancer of the lower pharynx - larynx in the last stage from April 2018. The process of treatment with surgery, radiation at some hospitals made him exhausted, the tumor fluid was necrotic, causing a fistula in the neck that made him almost unable to swallow, had to be bedridden. In December 2018, when he was taken to Vinmec Hospital, Mr. Ngoc was prescribed treatment with targeted drugs and thermotherapy, and combined with symptomatic palliative care. After 6 months of treatment and care, Mr. Ngoc was able to feed himself through a gastric tube, walk around the house and ride a bicycle.
Bệnh nhân Phí Ngọc Đăng
Một ngày mới của anh Phí Đăng Ngọc sau điều trị thường bắt đầu bằng một vòng đạp xe quanh Hồ Tây từ 5h sáng
Another happy case, patient Nguyen Van Lien (58 years old, Quang Binh) had liver cancer metastasized in March 2019, at the same time he continued to have a tumor on the left top of his head with a diameter of over 4cm floating on the head. The tumor metastasized to the skull and brain, compressing the brain tissue and destroying the skull bone. The Vinmec Hospital's specialist council decided to treat him with SRS radiation therapy (radiosurgery for head and skull tumors) and heat therapy on metastatic tumors in the skull. After 2 months, all metastatic tumors in the skull bone layer were completely dissolved. After 3 months of treatment, not only eating well, sleeping well, the head tumor completely collapsed, but his AFP cancer test decreased from 3,717 ng/ml before treatment to 14.2 normal level in the 4th time of re-treatment. this examination.
After being treated with SRS radiation therapy (radiosurgery for head and skull tumors) and heat therapy on metastatic skull tumors at Vinmec Hospital, Mr. Lien has made very good progress.
Bệnh nhân Nguyễn Văn Liện
Bệnh nhân Nguyễn Văn Liện (58 tuổi, Quảng Bình) điều trị ung thư tại Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Times City

Why are cancer cells afraid of "hot"?

Hyperthermia or thermotherapy is a type of cancer treatment in which body tissue is exposed to high temperatures, intended to damage and kill cancer cells, but without causing serious damage to normal tissues. Usually, cause little side effects, bring good local tumor reduction effect.
Explaining this, BSCK I Nguyen Thi Phi Yen, Head of Palliative Care Unit, Oncology and Radiation Center of Vinmec Times City Hospital, said: “The body temperature is about 36 degrees Celsius, the functions of the immune system will function. human translation will work fine. However, when the body temperature drops by 1 degree Celsius, it will reduce the immune function by 40%, creating a favorable environment for diseases to develop. It is important to raise body temperature beyond normal so that the body can improve the immune system and fight cancer. The method of thermotherapy is based on the mechanism of increasing the temperature at the tumor site or a body area to 41-43oC. This temperature, when combined with chemotherapy or radiation therapies, also increases the sensitivity of cancer cells to the above therapies, and promotes the self-death of cancer cells left after. chemotherapy or radiation therapy'.
Vinmec Times City International General Hospital is one of the few hospitals in Vietnam that is equipped with a heating machine (Pyrexar). The machine uses non-invasive high-frequency waves, generates enough heat to kill cancer cells, has a good effect in the treatment of solid cancers, tumor lesions no more than 2.5cm deep with temperature control. should ensure patient safety. After the course of treatment, the patient may have congestion, slight redness of the skin in the heat pressure area, but it does not cause burns. During the entire time of treatment at the hospital, patients are closely monitored and supported by a team of doctors and nurses to ensure safety and maximum treatment effectiveness. Vinmec is also the first hospital in Vietnam to be officially authorized by the Ministry of Health to deploy autologous immune system enhancement and thermotherapy as a supportive cancer treatment method.
Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Times City là một trong số ít bệnh viện tại Việt Nam được trang bị máy tăng nhiệt (Pyrexar).
Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Times City là một trong số ít bệnh viện tại Việt Nam được trang bị máy tăng nhiệt (Pyrexar).

Along with taking the lead in applying and applying new methods such as Therapeutics to strengthen the immune system, drug therapy (Nobel Prize Achievement 2018) and new regimens to treat lung and breast cancer, gynecology, gastrointestinal,... Vinmec has been perfecting a multimodal treatment model to improve treatment efficiency and bring hope for a healthy life to many cancer patients.
To learn more about heat therapy, you can go directly to the Cancer - Radiation Center at Vinmec Times City International Hospital or contact the Hotline:
Doctor Nguyen Thi Phi Yen, Oncology Department, Hospital Vinmec Times City International General Hospital, Tel: 0904164646 Doctor Truong Thi Ha, Oncology Department, Vinmec Times City International Hospital, Tel: 0904055101 According to Lao Dong newspaper
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

15 lượt đọc

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