Uses of Tabrecta

Tabrecta has the effect of blocking the activity of the enzyme kinase, promoting cell growth. At the same time, Tabrecta slows the growth of cancer cells. Tabrecta works by blocking the action of a protein made by the mesenchymal epithelial transition gene MET. However, the drug can cause some unwanted side effects, so before taking the drug, the patient needs to know the information.

1. Mechanism of action of the drug Tabrecta

Tabrecta contains capmatinib, a kinase inhibitor. When the compound capmatinib binds selectively to c-MET - the HGFR hepatocyte growth factor receptor, it inhibits the phosphorylation of c-MET and disrupts the c-MET signaling pathway. This can then induce cell death in tumors that overexpress the c-MET protein or overexpress the constitutively activated c-MET protein.
Tabrecta was approved by the Food and Drug Administration based on the results of a clinical trial involving patients with non-small cell lung cancer with mutations that lead to the elimination of c-MET.

2. Indications to use Tabrecta

What is Tabrecta ? Tabrecta is indicated for the treatment of adults with advanced non-small cell lung cancer or cancer that is spreading to other parts of the body or cannot be removed with surgery. In addition, Tabrecta can be used for patients with tumors that have an abnormal mesenchymal-epithelial transition gene (MET).
However, Tabrecta is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to all components of the drug during treatment.

3. Dosage and how to use Tabrecta

The recommended dose of Tabrecta is 400mg twice a day. Tabrecta is available in tablet form and can be taken with or without food. However, patients should not halve, crush or bite Tabrecta before taking it. This can reduce the activity of the drug, besides the patient should take the drug at the same time of day.
Blood concentration of Tabrecta drug may be affected by some beneficial foods such as grapefruit, grapefruit juice, .... so patients need to avoid these foods to achieve the therapeutic effect.
During the use of Tabrecta may interact with some prescription or over-the-counter drugs or herbs. Therefore, before deciding on the course of treatment, the patient needs to provide this information to the doctor so that the doctor can decide and choose the appropriate course for the treatment process.
Note: The above recommended therapeutic dose for Tabrecta is for reference only. Therefore, patients should consult a doctor before using them.
If the patient has missed a dose of Tabrecta, use the missed dose as soon as you remember it. However, if there is a gap between the missed dose of Tabrecta and the next dose, it is possible to skip the missed dose and take the next dose. Patients should also note that it is not recommended to use a double dose of Tabrecta, because it may cause drug overdose and unwanted side effects that affect the patient's current health during treatment with Tabrecta. Tabrecta drug.
In case the patient accidentally takes an overdose of Tabrecta than prescribed and shows some signs of unwanted side effects, it is necessary to take the patient to the nearest medical facility to receive emergency treatment. get medical help promptly and help avoid serious side effects.

4. Unwanted side effects and some notes when using Tabrecta

Using Tabrecta during treatment may experience some unwanted side effects. And depending on the specific case, there will be different levels of response. When experiencing symptoms causing side effects, patients should discuss with medical staff for timely medical support.
Toxicity on the liver. Tabrecta can cause liver toxicity, so patients should be prescribed regular liver function tests. If you have symptoms such as yellow skin and eyes, dark urine, or possibly abdominal pain, call your doctor right away. Peripheral edema. Peripheral swelling due to fluid retention in the extremities occurs with the use of Monjuvi. May cause swelling of the hands, arms, feet, ankles... The swelling causes discomfort to the patient. Nausea and vomiting may occur with the use of Lumakras. You can tell your doctor to prescribe medication to help control this condition and in addition, the doctor will also prescribe appropriate dietary changes to improve the current condition. For example, the patient should avoid using foods that can aggravate these symptoms such as foods that are greasy, fatty, or have sour spices, etc. Instead, antacids can be used. , salt water, ginger beer to ease the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. The patient is always tired. After cancer treatment, patients always feel exhausted and tired and this condition takes a long time to improve. Therefore, patients need to be guided to adjust as well as plan for long rest and save energy for important activities. In addition, exercise can be done to improve fatigue by walking, relaxing... Reduces appetite. Diet plays an important role in disease prevention and patient care. In some special cases, the main side effect of cancer treatment can make it difficult for patients to eat and drink. Therefore, patients can apply to eat small meals and divide them into many meals, need to provide enough useful nutrients for the body. Adding flavor-enhancing foods helps to stimulate the patient's eating better. Lung problems. In very rare cases, Tabrecta can cause pneumonia, and there is a risk of interstitial lung disease. If the patient has a cough, difficulty breathing, or shortness of breath, seek medical attention immediately. Sensitive to light. Using Tabrecta can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, possibly causing severe sunburn or a rash. Sensitivity to the sun may persist both during or after a person is treated with Tabrecta. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the sun between 10 and 2 pm, because this is when the light intensity is strongest. In combination with that, the patient should use sunscreen daily. Birth defects. Direct contact with Tabrecta in the fetus can cause birth defects. Therefore, if the patient is pregnant or planning to become pregnant, Tabrecta should not be used. At the same time, both women and men need to practice effective birth control if treated with Tabrecta for at least 1 week after treatment. Although after treatment, the menstrual cycle may stop or sperm production may not be possible, but the patient is still able to conceive normally. Hopefully, the above sharing will help patients understand how to use Tabrecta as well as how to make the drug most effective in the treatment of disease.

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