Be careful when using varicose veins

Currently on the market there are many topical medications for varicose veins. The active ingredients will penetrate through the epidermis and affect the vein wall, promoting blood circulation easily to help reduce disease symptoms. When using topical drugs for varicose veins, patients need to pay attention to some characteristics for the drug to maximize its effectiveness.

1. What is varicose veins?

Varicose veins, also known as varicose veins, are common in women. The cause of the disease is due to the impaired function of the venous networks in the lower extremities, leading to obstruction of blood circulation. Damaged veins in the veins cause the blood in the veins to flow in the opposite direction and inadvertently stretch the veins. Varicose veins with open valves make varicose veins worse over time.
Varicose veins are most common in the legs because they are often under pressure from the weight of the whole body, and the blood vessels in the legs are also quite long and complicated. Therefore, subjects who often have to stand often, for a long time such as teachers, production workers, ... will have a higher risk of disease. In addition, pregnant women are also susceptible to this disease due to the increase in weight during pregnancy. Elderly people are also more likely to get the disease because of the aging and weakening of the venous valves.

2. Signs of varicose veins

Varicose veins often appear in women and are common in the age of 30 and older. Varicose veins can be recognized through symptoms such as:
Lower extremities feel tight, uncomfortable and painful when standing; Often there are symptoms of numbness in the legs; 2 legs hurt when moving a lot, making movement difficult; On the surface of the skin appear prominent blood vessels; Unexplained purple bumps on the skin; The calf is swollen. The lower leg and instep are also edematous; The skin with varicose veins will become dry, itchy, thin and even inflamed due to poor nourishment.
suy giãn tĩnh mạch nông chi dưới
Người bệnh có thể thuốc bôi giãn tĩnh mạch khi xuất hiện các triệu chứng của bệnh

3. How drugs treat varicose veins

There are now many drugs to treat varicose veins, both oral and topical. Common drugs used to treat varicose veins include:
Oral medicine
Vascovein oral tablet: Contains witch hazel extract, grape seed extract, and rutin; Natural way Hem care: Contains horse chestnut extract, rutin and vitamin E; Drug Daflon 500 mg; Circulation & Vein Support tablets: Are ingredients extracted from hawthorn, ginger, broom and horse chestnut; Varicornis drug: Extracted from grape seeds, horse chestnut and vitamin C are the main ingredients of the drug; Rotuven 300 Capsules: Contains starch, glycerin, horse chestnut extract, silica. Topical medicine
Varicofix Cream: The main ingredients are active ingredients extracted from precious herbs, including arnica, phytotonine, heparin, ruscus,...; Cream Varikosette: Originated from Russia, including horse chestnut extract, ginkgo leaf extract, sunflower oil, honey and active ingredient troxerutin; Advanced Clinicals Vein Care Cream: Ingredients include chlorella vulgaris algae extract, sunflower oil, vitamin C, ethylhexyl,...; Celia Cream: Ingredients include Aesculus hippocastanum L extracted from horse chestnut, collagen, menthol and glycerin; Vascovein Cream: Grape seed extract, hazelnut extract and rosemary extract are the main ingredients in this cream. The above types all have the following common effects:
Relieve pain in the legs, reduce fatigue, heaviness and numbness of the lower extremities; Preventing ulcers in the skin with varicose veins; Prevention of night cramps and uncomfortable crawling sensations; Increases the strength of blood vessel walls, thereby preventing broken capillaries; Helps to reduce vascular permeability, inhibit substances that cause inflammation and infection; Prevention of the formation of venous thrombosis, which causes blockage of blood vessels; Enhance blood circulation of the veins, limit blood stagnation in the veins.
Thuốc giãn tĩnh mạch hiện nay có cả dạng bôi và dạng uống
Thuốc giãn tĩnh mạch hiện nay có cả dạng bôi và dạng uống

4. Note when using topical varicose veins

Topical drugs are also a good choice in the treatment of varicose veins. The active ingredients in the drug will penetrate through the epidermis and affect the venous wall, helping blood circulate more easily, thereby reducing pain, reducing the feeling of pain, numbness and heaviness in the legs. However, topical medications for varicose veins are only effective for cases of superficial varicose veins. As for patients with dilated veins deeper or patients already showing signs of venous swelling, skin ulcers, topical medications are often less effective.
When using topical drugs for varicose veins, the following points should be noted to maximize the effectiveness:
Before applying the drug, clean the skin with varicose veins and let it dry. Take a moderate amount of cream and apply it evenly on the skin with varicose veins. Patients need to apply the drug regularly 2 or 3 times per day and maintain a daily habit of using the drug for the best effect. In addition to supporting the treatment of varicose veins, topical drugs also have the ability to help prevent disease in high-risk subjects such as obese people, teachers, the elderly or pregnant women. . Currently, there are many good drugs on the market that have been licensed for use. However, each person has a different medical condition and background. Therefore, to ensure the best treatment results, patients should not self-medicate, but need to go to hospitals for examination and guidance from specialist doctors. Varicose veins can be effectively treated when detected early. However, if the condition is left untreated, it can lead to many dangerous complications such as thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, respiratory failure, heart failure, ... Therefore, when there are signs Varicose veins, patients need to go to medical facilities for timely diagnosis and treatment.

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