Brolucizumab side effects

Brolucizumab has the main ingredient Brolucizumab, commonly used in the treatment of macular degeneration in the eyes. In addition to the therapeutic effect, patients using Brolucizumab may experience some unwanted effects such as blurred vision, cataracts, eye pain...

1. What is Brolucizumab?

Brolucizumab has the brand name Beovu, is classified in the group of drugs for the treatment of eyes, ears, nose and throat. The main active ingredient in Brolucizumab is Brolucizumab.
Dosage form: solution for injection, content 120 mg/ml.

2. What are the effects of Brolucizumab?

Brolucizumab is an inhibitor of VEGF - a protein that stimulates the growth of abnormal blood vessels below the macula, the area that plays a role in sharp central vision. The mechanism of action of Brolucizumab is inhibition of VEGF-A, resulting in inhibition of endothelial cell proliferation, vasculature, and vascular permeability.

3. Indications and contraindications to the drug Brolucizumab

Brolucizumab is used in the treatment of patients with wet-associated macular degeneration.
Contraindications: Absolutely do not use Brolucizumab medicine in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of Brolucizumab medicine Endocarditis Infection of the eyes or around the eyes.

4. Dosage and how to take Brolucizumab

In order for Brolucizumab to promote its effectiveness and limit the occurrence of unwanted effects, it is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions on the dose and how to use the drug. You should not recalculate your dose, change the route of administration, or share your medication with others. At the same time, do not give Brolucizumab to other people to use even if they have the same symptoms as you because each person's body is different, using the wrong drug will adversely affect health.
Dosage for adults with macular degeneration: 6mg (0.05ml of solution containing 120mg/ml) into the vitreous chamber of the affected eye once a month for the first 3 doses. Then inject 6mg every 8-12 weeks.
For patients with liver failure, kidney failure, over 65 years old: no need to adjust the dose.
How to use:
Due to the risk of infection and endophthalmitis, always use appropriate aseptic technique when preparing and administering medication.
Before use, keep the Brolucizumab vial at room temperature. The solution should be clear to slightly opalescent and colorless to slightly yellow-brown; Do not use if particles or cloudiness or discoloration appear.
Inject under sterile conditions after adequate anesthesia and use a broad-spectrum topical bactericide to disinfect the skin around the eyes, eyelids, and ocular surface.
Each vial of Brolucizumab is for treatment of one eye only. If the other eye needs treatment, use a new vial. Use fresh sterile instruments before injecting Brolucizumab into the other eye.
Immediately after injecting the drug into the body, monitor the IOP value through the meter or by checking the perfusion of the optic nerve ending.

5. Undesirable effects

In addition to the treatment of macular degeneration, Brolucizumab can cause some unwanted effects that seriously affect health such as hypersensitivity, blood clots, increased intraocular pressure. In addition, you may experience some other undesirable effects such as blurred vision, cataracts, conjunctival hemorrhage, vitreous floaters, endophthalmitis, vitreous detachment, conjunctivitis, ... You should contact your doctor immediately if you have any unusual symptoms during your treatment with Brolucizumab.

6. Brolucizumab drug interactions

When treating with more than one drug at the same time, drug interactions may occur. The result is an effect on absorption, decreased efficacy or increased toxicity. Therefore, you need to list and tell your doctor about all medications you are taking, have recently stopped using or started using, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, herbal products, foods. function, vitamins, ...

7. Some notes when using Brolucizumab drug

Use of Brolucizumab in pregnancy: There are no adequate studies with this drug in pregnant women. Based on its mechanism of action, Brolucizumab may adversely affect embryonic development or fertility. Therefore, use during pregnancy only if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
Use of Brolucizumab during lactation: It is not known whether Brolucizumab distributes into breast milk, affects the nursing infant, or affects milk production. Therefore, breast-feeding is not recommended during treatment with Brolucizumab and for more than one month after the last dose.
Use of Brolucizumab in children: safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.
Use of Brolucizumab in patients over 65 years of age: approximately 90% of patients treated with Brolucizumab in clinical trials were ≥65 years of age and 60% ≥75 years of age; No significant differences in efficacy or safety were observed with increasing age.
Other notes:
Do not drive, operate machinery or do tasks that require high concentration until visual function has fully recovered.
Patients may experience temporary visual disturbances after brolucizumab injection.
If there are symptoms of red eyes, eye pain, light sensitivity, vision changes, should contact an ophthalmologist for timely treatment.

8. Brolucizumab storage

Keep Brolucizumab vial at 2 – 8°C in original manufacturer's packaging, do not freeze, protect from light, unopened vial can be stored at 20 – 25°C for up to 24 hours before use.
Keep Brolucizumab out of reach of children and pets.
Hopefully, sharing about the use and use of Brolucizumab will help users better understand the drug process so that the treatment of the disease achieves good results.

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