Erymekophar side effects

Erymekophar 250mg is used to treat infections of the ears - nose - throat, bronchi and lungs, skin and soft tissues, oral, urinary, genital infections, prevention of recurrent episodes of acute rheumatic fever.

1. What are the effects of Erymekophar?

With active ingredients in the drug, Erymekophar is indicated for the treatment of:
Infections caused by sensitive bacteria, including: Gastrointestinal infections caused by susceptible strains of bacteria; Pneumonia, bronchitis (caused by Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Streptococcus and atypical pneumonias), Legionella infections, diphtheria, pertussis, sinusitis. Conjunctivitis in infants ; Chlamydia conjunctivitis; Lower orange. In combination with Neomycin to prevent infection during bowel surgery; Replacement of betalactam antibiotics in penicillin-allergic patients; Replacement of penicillin in the long-term prevention of rheumatic heart disease (acute rheumatic fever).

2. Instructions on how to use Erymekophar

To use, mix Erymekophar powder in 1 glass of water, stir well and drink. It should be taken on an empty stomach, before meals and according to the course of 5-10 days.
Recommended dosage of Erymekophar is as follows:
Adults: Take 2-4 packs/time, use 2-3 times a day; Children: Take 30-50mg/kg/day, 2-3 times a day. Children <2 years old: Take 1⁄2 sachets x 4 times/day (Total 500mg/day); Children from 2-8 years old: Take 1 sachet x 4 times/day (Total 1g/day). In severe infections, the dose may be doubled.

3. Erymekophar side effects

During treatment with Erymekophar, users may encounter the following problems:
Common side effects: Vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash; Uncommon side effects: Urticaria; Rare side effects: Increased transaminases, arrhythmias, hyperbilirubinemia, reversible deafness (temporary hearing loss); Users should proactively inform their doctor about unwanted side effects encountered while taking the drug.

4. Note when using Erymekophar

Contraindicated to use Erymekophar for the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug; Have used the antibiotic Erythromycin and have liver disorders; Have a history of deafness, hearing loss; Acute porphyria metabolism disorder ; Combination with Astemizole, Terfenadine; Heart disease, arrhythmia, bradycardia, prolonged QT interval, cardiac ischemia, electrolyte disturbance; Erymekophar should be used with special caution in the following cases:
Patients with liver disease or liver failure; Have phenylketonuria (PKU); Pregnant women; Breastfeeding women; Patients with arrhythmias and other cardiovascular diseases.

5. Erymekophar drug interactions

Do not combine Erymekophar with the following drugs to avoid interactions:
Astemizol or Terfenadine: Increased risk of cardiotoxicity such as torsades de pointes syndrome, ventricular tachycardia, death; Carbamazepine and valproic acid: Inhibits metabolism and increases plasma concentrations of these two drugs, leading to an increased risk of toxicity; Chloramphenicol or Lincomycin: May antagonize the effect of Erythromycin in Erymekophar; Xanthins such as: Theophyllin, Aminophyllin, caffeine; Alfentanil, Midazolam or Triazolam: Erythromycin may decrease clearance and increase the concentration and duration of action of these drugs; Cyclosporin: Increased plasma concentrations of this drug and increased risk of nephrotoxicity; Warfarin Anticoagulants: Excessive prolongation of prothrombin time and increased risk of bleeding, decreased metabolism and clearance of this drug if taken for a long time; Ergotamine: Inhibits metabolism and enhances the vasoconstrictor effect of this drug; Lovastatin: may increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis; Digoxin : Increases the concentration of this substance in the blood due to its effect on the intestinal microflora; Concomitant use of ototoxic drugs in patients with renal impairment may increase the ototoxic potential of these drugs; Co-administration with hepatotoxic drugs may increase the potential for hepatotoxicity. Erymekophar medicine 250mg is used to treat infections of the ears - nose - throat, bronchi and lungs, skin and soft tissues, oral, urinary, genital infections, prevention of recurrent episodes of acute rheumatic fever. To ensure effective use, users need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor or pharmacist.
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