Fights the effects of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Antibiotics are widely used to treat bacterial infections. However, the inappropriate prescribing and use of antibiotics leads to drug abuse in the treatment of diseases. Rampant antibiotic use makes bacteria resistant to antibiotics. So how do we counter these effects?

1. Why is antibiotic resistance considered a major threat to public health?

When bacteria become resistant to an antibiotic, that drug becomes less effective. As a result, the treatment of bacterial infections for patients infected with antibiotic-resistant organisms becomes more complex, leading to longer hospital stays, increased healthcare costs, ...
More difficult , doctors may be forced to resort to treatments that have not been proven effective or have more side effects if bacteria become resistant to antibiotics . In severe cases, antibiotic-resistant bacteria make the infection untreatable.
SEE ALSO: Consequences of the abuse of antibiotics
Trẻ bị cúm A sốt và ho lâu ngày phải làm sao?
Vi khuẩn kháng sinh khiến bệnh tình không được cải thiện dùng đã dùng thuốc

2. What causes bacteria to be resistant to antibiotics?

In addition to the professional capacity of medical staff, it is the patient's self-healing and self-prescribing habits that lead to the arbitrary and inappropriate use of antibiotics, contributing to the increase of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. born .

2.1 Use antibiotics when there is no infection

Antibiotics prevent infection and treat bacterial infections, but do not kill viruses and other causes of illness. Therefore, the use of antibiotics when there is no infection does not have a cure, but there is still a risk of side effects caused by antibiotics.
Usually, antibiotics not only affect the bacteria that cause infections, but also beneficial bacteria such as intestinal bacteria that help with the digestive process. Therefore, the use of antibiotics to treat diseases not caused by bacteria not only does not treat the disease, but can also increase the likelihood of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics.
SEE ALSO: Antibiogram - solutions to reduce antibiotic resistance
Uống đồng thời Vitamin C,Vitamin E và thuốc kháng sinh Doxycycline HyClate có ảnh hưởng không ?
Uống thuốc kháng sinh khi không bị nhiễm khuẩn dẫn đến vi khuẩn kháng thuốc kháng sinh.

2.2 Improper choice of antibiotics

There is no single antibiotic that can kill every type of bacteria. Therefore, the selection of antibiotics must have a spectrum of action suitable for the type of bacteria suspected of causing the disease, permeable to the site of infection and suitable for the patient's location.
If using antibiotics that are not suitable for the type of bacteria to be killed can reduce the effectiveness of treatment, and lead to the risk of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics and no treatment in the future.

2.3 Improper use of antibiotics

When choosing the right antibiotic, if the patient does not follow the doctor's instructions such as voluntarily quitting when the disease is in remission, it can also create conditions for antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

2.4 Abuse of antibiotics in animal husbandry

Resistant strains of bacteria can be transmitted from animals to humans through direct contact or ingestion of food from contaminated animals and most antibiotics used in animals have an impact on humans. Therefore, the overuse of antibiotics in livestock can also lead to the possibility of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans.
MORE: How to limit antibiotic resistance?
Lạm dụng thuốc kháng sinh
Lạm dụng thuốc kháng sinh trong chăn nuôi là nguyên nhân dẫn đến kháng kháng sinh ở người

3. What can be done to combat the effects of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?

From the above reasons, to combat the impact of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, besides the role of agencies and health workers, consumers can also protect themselves from the threat of antibiotic resistance. infections caused by following these guidelines:
When sick, do not buy or use antibiotics without a doctor's prescription, especially in cases like cough, cold or flu caused by virus. It is best to see a doctor to determine the bacteria causing the disease, if any, and to choose the right antibiotic to help treat it effectively and avoid the risk of antibiotic resistance. When using antibiotics, users need to follow the doctor's instructions, take the full dose, at the right time and in the right way. Do not arbitrarily quit or change the dose when the disease improves. Regularly monitor the effectiveness, unwanted effects, report back to the doctor for appropriate adjustment. Cook food thoroughly to remove disease-causing bacteria, including drug-resistant bacteria, before using. Carefully clean kitchen surfaces used to prepare or store raw ingredients before cooking to avoid the risk of cross-contamination. Limit the use of medically important antibiotics for animals, especially poultry and livestock used for food production. Antibiotic resistance has many health consequences, so patients should not use drugs indiscriminately, but should use them exactly as prescribed by their doctors and pharmacists. If you have symptoms of illness, you need to see a doctor to get a prescription for the right medicine.
Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for examination, treatment and prevention of diseases. When performing the examination process at Vinmec, customers will be welcomed and used modern facilities and machinery along with perfect medical services under the guidance and advice of doctors. Good doctors, well-trained both at home and abroad.
In case it is necessary to use antibiotics to treat the disease, the doctors at Vinmec will provide a treatment plan, and advise and guide the patient to use the drug effectively, to avoid abuse and misuse. Indiscriminate antibiotics cause undesirable side effects such as antibiotic resistance.

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