Uses of Bucaine spinal

Bucain spinal drug belongs to the group of anesthetics, anesthetics, used for epidural anesthesia before surgery. Let's learn about Bucain spinal drug information through the article below.

1. What is Bucain spinal drug?

Bucain spinal drug is prepared in the form of an injection solution, with the main ingredient being Bupivacaine hydrochloride (in the form of bupivacaine hydrochloride monohydrate) content of 5mg/ml and excipients Dextrose monohydrate and distilled water for injection.
Bupivacaine hydrochloride is a local anesthetic of the amide group, with rapid action and long duration of action. During spinal anesthesia, the drug causes slight muscle relaxation of the lower extremities lasting 2 - 2.5 hours, blocking the abdominal muscles to conduct abdominal surgery lasting 45 - 60 minutes. The analgesic effect in vertebrae T10 - T12 lasts 2-3 hours.

2. What are the uses of Bucain spinal?

Bucain spinal is used for both adults and children for epidural anesthesia before surgery (urinary and lower extremity surgery lasts 2 -3 hours, abdominal surgery lasts 45 - 60 hours. minute).

3. Dosage and how to use Bucain spinal

Route of administration: epidural injection
Dosage depends on age and weight:
For adults and children over 12 years old: Inject dose 2 - 4ml The dose should be reduced in the elderly and patients in the elderly. late pregnancy.
For infants, young children and children under 40kg: dose based on weight Weight < 5kg: 0.4 - 0.5mg/kg
5-10kg: 0.3 - 0.4mg/kg
15 - 40kg : 0.25 - 0.3mg/kg
Need to use the lowest dose with anesthetic effect.
When injecting 3ml of the drug into the lumbar intervertebral space L3 - L4 in the sitting position, the drug will spread to T7 - ​​T10, and when injected in the lying position, the block will spread to the T4 - T7 vertebrae.
Do not recommend using more than 4ml.

4. Contraindications of the drug Bucain spinal

Do not use Bucain spinal drug in the following cases:
People with hypersensitivity to any component of the drug or other amide-type anesthetics. Diseases of the central nervous system such as meningitis, poliomyelitis, subacute spinal degeneration due to pernicious anemia, intracranial hemorrhage, brain and spinal cord tumors. Spinal stenosis and spinal diseases (tuberculosis, cancer, ankylosing spondylitis, spinal trauma). Sepsis. Blood clotting disorder or being treated with anticoagulants.

5. Side effects of drugs Bucain spinal

When using Bucain spinal drug may cause some unwanted effects as follows:
Headache, paresthesia, sensory disturbances Numbness of the tongue, drowsiness, dizziness, tremor with or without convulsions Low blood pressure , bradycardia, cardiac arrest Nausea, vomiting Muscle weakness, back pain Urinary retention, urinary incontinence Allergies, anaphylaxis After taking the drug, if any serious abnormal symptoms appear, you should Call your doctor or medical staff immediately for instructions and timely treatment.

6. Bucain spinal drug interactions

Because of the potential for increased toxicity, caution should be exercised when Bucain spinal is co-administered with other local anesthetics or structural analogues of amide-type anesthetics such as antiarrhythmic agents (lidocaine, mexiletine). .

7. Notes and cautions when using Bucain spinal drug

When using Bucain spinal, the following issues should be kept in mind:
This is an epidural that should only be administered by specialists in anesthesiology. The anesthetic process must ensure absolute sterility, in a medical facility that is fully equipped with emergency resuscitation equipment and supplies. Ensure correct technical procedures to avoid injection accidents (into a blood vessel by mistake). Caution should be exercised in patients with bradycardia, myocardial conduction disturbances or severe digitalis toxicity. The dose of the drug should be reduced in the elderly and those who are incapacitated. There is no evidence of adverse effects when used in pregnant women. In the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully weigh the benefits and risks before using the drug. Dosage should be reduced in pregnant women in the last 3 months of pregnancy. The drug is excreted in breast milk but used at the recommended therapeutic doses will not pose a risk to the infant. The drug can cause drowsiness, dizziness, decreased concentration, so caution should be exercised when driving or operating machinery. The above is some information about the use of Bucain spinal, if you need advice or have any questions, please consult a qualified doctor / pharmacist for guidance.

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