Uses of Dobutamine BFS

Dobutamin BFS belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs, specialized in the treatment of heart failure due to pathology and surgery. With the drug of the same name, Dobutamine helps to contract the heart muscle, increase the heart rate and help the heart pump blood throughout the body.

1. What is Dobutamin BFS?

Dobutamine BFS is a vasopressor, used to treat congestive heart failure, heart failure due to cardiovascular diseases and in surgery or short-term treatment of myocardial infarction. The drug is prepared in the form of an injection solution, with two volumes of 20ml and 40ml, respectively.
Dobutamin BFS is made up of the main drug, Dobutamin, and other excipients, just enough for injection solution. Active ingredient Dobutamine is an agent that causes myocardial contractility, when administered intravenously, it increases myocardial contractility, cardiac output and tissue perfusion. Dobutamine BFS is classified as a vasopressor for cardiovascular emergency.

2. What are the effects of Dobutamin BFS?

Dobutamin BFS is made from Dobutamin. Each 1ml of solution contains 12.5mg of active ingredient Dobutamine. This is a synthetic active form of catecholamines, a hormone found in the adrenal glands. Dobutamine BFS drug is used to increase myocardial contractility, short-term circulatory support for patients with end-stage heart failure or emergency when acute heart failure during surgery.
Active ingredient Dobutamine has strong muscle contraction effect due to the negative isomer is an alpha - adrenergic receptor agonist to help increase blood pressure, the positive isomer is a beta - adrenergic 1 agonist and beta - adrenergic 2. Cardiovascular effects. of the active substance does not include pacing and increasing heart rate, which is explained by unchanged peripheral resistance.
Dobutamin BFS is indicated for use in the following cases:
Patients with circulatory failure, heart failure due to cardiovascular disease and after heart surgery. Patients with cardiogenic shock, myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure. The patient should be diagnosed with myocardial ischemia. Patients requiring emergency cardiac surgery because of heart failure or acute cardiogenic shock. Dobutamine can be used alone or in combination with other vasopressors.

3. Usage of Dobutamin BFS

3.1. How to use Dobutamin BFS Dobutamin BFS is injected intravenously by experienced doctors and people. The patient did not arbitrarily use Dobutamin BFS.
3.2. Dosage of Dobutamin BFS The recommended therapeutic dose of Dobutamine BFS for people with congestive heart failure and shock:
For adults, the indicated dose is from 2.5 to 15 mg of Dobutamine per 1 kg of body weight according to every minute. Adjust dose until required cardiac contractility is achieved, or titrate in increments of 2.5 mg per kg of body weight per minute infused to maintain blood pressure. The maximum dose should not exceed 40mg per kilogram of body weight. For children, the recommended dose is 2.5 to 15 mcg Dobutamine per 1 kg body weight, it is possible to increase dobutamine tolerance until desired results are achieved. For the elderly: Dobutamine dose adjustment is not required for this group of subjects. 3.3. Treatment of Dobutamine Overdose Overdose:
Dobutamine overdose reactions include symptoms such as increased blood pressure and tachycardia. At this time, the doctor will reduce the rate of Dobutamin infusion or stop treatment by stopping the injection and infusion until stable.
3.4. Contraindications Dobutamin BFS Do not use Dobutamin BFS in patients with hypersensitivity to Dobutamin and other ingredients in the drug. Dobutamin BFS should not be used in patients with subaortic stenosis. Dobutamin BFS should not be used in people with septic shock, which may cause hypotension.

4. Notes when using Dobutamin BFS

4.1 Side effects of Dobutamin BFS When using Dobutamin BFS, patients may experience unwanted side effects such as:
Cardiovascular problems including increased systolic blood pressure and increased heart rate. Other cardiovascular problems such as angina, palpitations, and ventricular tachycardia. Serious side effects can cause local necrosis when the drug enters the bloodstream. Abdominal pain and discomfort. In particular, can cause anaphylaxis leading to death. 4.2 Dobutamin BFS Drug Interactions Concomitant use of Dobutamine BFS with drugs such as Cimetidine or Methyldopa may increase the risk of Dobutamine side effects. Concomitant use of an adrenocortical COMT inhibitor such as Entacapone or Droxidopa may increase the likelihood of Dobutamine side effects. Concomitant use of Beta-adrenergic blocking drugs with Dobutamine BFS may reduce the effect of Dobutamine, increasing peripheral resistance. Concomitant use of anesthetics with dobutamine increases the risk of severe ventricular arrhythmias. Dobutamine can be used concurrently with other vasopressors. 4.3 Storing Dobutamin BFS Drugs Dobutamin BFS storage temperature is below 25 degrees C The reconstituted solution needs to be used within 48 hours. Above is all information about Dobutamine BFS, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Dobutamine BFS is a prescription drug, patients absolutely must not buy drugs to treat at home because they may encounter unwanted side effects.

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