Uses of Draopha Fort Eye Drops

Draopha medicine contains the main ingredient Levofloxacin and is manufactured in the form of eye drops to treat bacterial infections of the eye area. So how should Draopha be used?

1. What is Draopha?

Draopha is a medicine containing the active ingredient Levofloxacin in the form of Levofloxacin hemihydrate 25mg. The drug is prepared in the form of a small solution with the effect of treating inflammatory cases of the eye and its appendages.
Levofloxacin is a synthetic quinolone antibiotic. It is an isomer of Ofloxacin and is more active than Ofloxacin. Levofloxacin works by inhibiting DNA synthesis to interrupt bacterial DNA replication, transcription, repair, repair, and recombination processes. The drug has a broad spectrum of activity against many different strains of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Concentrations of drug with bactericidal effect equal to or greater than that of bacterial inhibition. Usually there is no resistance between Levofloxacin and other bacteria in the group.

2. Effects of the drug Draopha

The drug is used in the treatment of bacterial infections of the eye and its appendages such as blepharitis, blepharitis, stye, conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, corneal ulceration and prevention Prevention of postoperative infections after eye surgery.
The drug is used by instilling directly into the eye with the amount of 1 drop 3-4 times / day. Depending on the progress and characteristics of the disease, the doctor will adjust the dose accordingly.

3. Contraindications to the use of Draopha

Draopha drug is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with a history of hypersensitivity or allergy to the active ingredient levofloxacin, other quinolones or to any of the excipients in the drug. Pregnant women or mothers who are breastfeeding

4. Side effects of the drug Draopha

Some common side effects after using Draopha eye drops include: Eye irritation or itchy eyes.
More rare reactions such as nausea, vomiting, cold hands and feet, difficulty breathing, rash, urticaria, conjunctival congestion, red eyelids, swelling, keratitis.

5. Some notes when using Draopha . eye drops

When the patient is using other eye drops, they should be instilled at least 15 minutes apart.
When using, do not touch the top of the vial directly because it can contaminate the drug, so it should be applied directly to the eyes.
While taking the drug, the patient should not wear contact lenses.
When you have just finished using the drug, your eyes may become temporarily blurred, so it is necessary to stop activities that require clear vision such as driving or operating machinery until the eyes return to normal.
Above are the instructions for using Draopha eye drops, patients should refer to the sign to make the process of using the drug more effective.

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