Uses of Ezatux

Ezatux medicine contains the main active ingredient Eprazinon dihydrochloride 50mg, which belongs to the group of drugs acting on the respiratory tract. The drug is available in the form of film-coated tablets. So what is the effect of Ezatux and how does it work?

1. Uses of the drug Ezatux

What does Ezatux do? Ezatux is indicated for the treatment of the following cases:
Treatment of coughs with the effect of thinning sputum, expectorating sputum Treatment for patients with acute / chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the nose and throat with a lot of phlegm, thick sputum Used for patients with bronchial congestion, especially in acute bronchitis The pharmacokinetic properties of Ezatux:
After 1 hour of dosing, peak blood concentrations are reached. The drug is metabolized mainly by the liver. The elimination half-life of the drug is about 6 hours. Pharmacodynamic properties of Ezatux:
Eprazinone is a piperazine derivative, which is a mucolytic agent with expectorant properties.

2. Dosage and how to use Ezatux

Ezatux is taken orally and can be taken with or without food. The recommended dosage when using the drug is as follows:
Adults: take a dose of 3 -6 tablets/day Note: If you forget to take a dose, you just need to take that dose as soon as you remember. However, if it is too far from the time you should take it, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as scheduled. Do not take a double dose at the same time to make up for the missed dose because it can be dangerous to health.
Note: The above recommended dosage for Ezatux is for reference only. Therefore, patients need to use drugs according to the prescription prescribed by the treating doctor to ensure safety and best effectiveness.

3. Ezatux side effects

Some unwanted effects users may encounter when using Ezatux include:
Occurrence of symptoms of digestive disorders, stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea May have skin allergies, aches and pains. headache, drowsiness, dizziness After taking the medicine, if you see any side effects or unusual symptoms, immediately notify your doctor or pharmacist for timely treatment.

4. Ezatux drug interactions

Drug interactions that change the ability to work or may increase the effects of drug side effects. Tell your doctor or pharmacist of all medicines and herbal products that you are using together with Ezatux to avoid drug interactions that affect the user's health.

5. Some notes when using Ezatux

Users should carefully read the instructions before using the drug. People who are sensitive or have a history of hypersensitivity to Eprazinon or any ingredient of the drug should be careful when using the drug. Pregnant or lactating women should take the drug only when absolutely necessary and with a doctor's prescription. People with a history of convulsions should pay close attention when taking the drug. Hopefully, the information shared about the uses and some notes when using Ezatux will help users understand and use the drug safely and effectively.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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