Uses of Haneuvit

Haneuvit medicine includes 3 types of B vitamins including B1, B6 and B12, effective in treating deficiency of these vitamins, preventing seizures and treating cycloserin overdose, and some other diseases.

1. Uses of Haneuvit

Haneuvit has the main ingredients including vitamin B1 125mg, vitamin B6 125mg, vitamin B12 0.125mg. With the main ingredients are 3 vitamins of group B (B1, B6, B12), Haneuvit is used in the treatment of disorders caused by vitamin B1, B6, B12 deficiency, seizure prevention and treatment of cycloserin overdose. nerve pain treatment. Specifically, the effects of Haneuvit include:
Treatment of disorders caused by vitamin B1 deficiency such as beriberi, alcoholism with polyneuritis, polyneuritis caused by Vitamin B1 deficiency in pregnant women. Treatment of disorders caused by vitamin B6 deficiency such as hereditary iron-cell anemia, peripheral neuritis. Treatment of disorders caused by vitamin B12 deficiency such as blood diseases (spontaneous pernicious anemia or after gastrectomy, anemia due to parasites, nutrition, surgery). Prevention and treatment of vitamin B6 deficiency due to drugs Prevention of convulsions and treatment of cycloserin overdose Neurological diseases such as sciatica, nerve pain in the neck - arm Weakness, in the process of recovery

2. Dosage of Haneuvit

Haneuvit is taken after meals with the following dosage:
Hereditary iron-cell anemia: 2-5 tablets/day for 1-2 months, if there is no good change, switch to another treatment Vitamin deficiency B6 due to drugs: 1-2 tablets / day for 3 weeks, then use 1 tablet / day Prophylaxis of seizures caused by Cycloserin: 1-2 tablets / day. Cycloserin overdose: 2 tablets/day. The manufacturer's above dosage is for reference only, the specific dose depends on the condition and severity of the disease. This will be explained and prescribed by your doctor.

3. Side effects of Haneuvit

The main side effects of Haneuvit are digestive disorders, nausea and vomiting, but the rate is very low. To limit this side effect, you should take the drug after meals and divided into 2-3 times a day. Some rare reactions when taking Haneuvit include itching, hives, rash, anaphylaxis, acne, red urine. If you experience any side effects, stop taking the medicine and immediately go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

4. Contraindications Haneuvit

Haneuvit is contraindicated in subjects sensitive to drug ingredients, malignant cancer due to vitamin B12's ability to promote tumor growth, people with allergic atopic conditions such as bronchial asthma, eczema.

5. Drug interactions

Drug interaction is when taking Haneuvit with these drugs can change the ability of the drug to work and increase the effect of side effects. Haneuvit may interact when taken with:
Levodopa : Because vitamin B6 activates the peripheral dopadecarboxylase enzymes Phenytoin and Phenobarbital : Vitamin B6 200mg/day dose can cause a 40-50% decrease in the concentration of Phenytoin and Phenobarbital in the blood. Oral contraceptives, Isoniazid, Penicillamine Neomycin, aminosalicylic acid, antihistamines H2 and colchicine because it reduces the absorption of vitamin B12 injection Chloramphenicol because it reduces the effectiveness of Vitamin B12 in the treatment of anemia. In summary, the drug Haneuvit includes 3 types of B vitamins including B1, B6 and B12, which are effective in treating deficiency of these vitamins, preventing seizures and treating cycloserin overdose, and a number of other diseases. To ensure effective use, users need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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