Uses of Hankoxin

Hankoxin medicine belongs to the group of vitamins and minerals, has very good effects for eyes, skin and joints. Subjects using Hankoxin drugs are mainly children and women who are having health problems. So what is the main use of Hankoxin and how should it be used?

1. Ingredients and uses of Hankoxin

Hankoxin medicine is prepared in the form of soft capsules, packed in blisters.
The drug has active ingredients such as: Vitamins A, D3, E, B1, B2, B6, B5, PP, Folic Acid, Calcium, Phosphate, Potassium, Iodine, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc...
Hankoxin main use for the following subjects:
Children who are slow to grow and are suffering from respiratory infections. People with night blindness, dry eyes, eye color vision disorder. Fish scale disease, acne, dry hair, toenails, fingernails are changed. Premenstrual syndrome, menopausal disorders and vulvar atrophy. Loss of smell, chronic nasopharyngitis, toxic deafness and tinnitus. People with respiratory and digestive infections, vitamin A deficiency prevention in newly ill people, nursing women and hyperthyroidism.... Although this is not a brand-name drug, it is still recommended to be safe for the patient. Use the medicine exactly as directed by the doctor or pharmacist.

2. Dosage of Hankoxin

Currently, vitamin A deficiency occurs not only in children but also in adults. A lack of vitamin A puts people at risk of many diseases. Therefore, before adding Hankoxin, the patient should refer to the following dosage:
Usual dose for adults and adolescents:
Male: 800 - 1000 micrograms (2665 - 3330 units). Female: 800 micrograms (2665 units). Pregnant women: 800 – 900 micrograms (2665 – 3000 units). Breastfeeding women: 1200 - 1300 micrograms (4000 - 4330 units). The usual dose for children to prevent vitamin A deficiency and daily use:
From birth to 3 years old: 375 - 400 micrograms (1250 - 1330 units). 4-6 years old: 500 micrograms (1665 units). 7 - 10 years old: 700 micrograms (2330 VND). The above dosage is for reference only, depending on the medical condition, health, age, the dose may change. It is important that patients read the instructions carefully before taking the drug and do not increase or decrease the dose without the consent of the doctor.

3. Does Hankoxin cause side effects when used?

According to reviews, Hankoxin is well tolerated by the body, rarely causing side effects. In some special cases, some people may experience mild reactions such as: itching, rash, urticaria and digestive disorders... However, this case occurs quite rarely and does not affect the body. much to the health of users.
After the end of using Hankoxin, the above mild reactions will disappear, so there is no need to worry.
Another note when using is not to use Hankoxin for people with hemolytic anemia, polycythemia vera. In addition, the drug should be used with caution in the elderly, because the sensitivity to the drug in this subject may be greater than that of normal adults.

4. Missed dose and overdose of Hankoxin

If a dose is missed, the patient should take up a dose after remembering, if it is more than 2 hours, skip the missed dose of Hankoxin and do not need to take a make up dose at a later time.
Overdose of Hankoxin will not cause too negative effects on health. However, users should still closely monitor their health during this time when they notice abnormal signs that need to be shared with their doctor for appropriate advice.
Another note when using Hankoxin is not to use it with alcohol, stimulants and tobacco, because it can interact with certain drugs.
Hankoxin medicine is prepared in the form of soft capsules, so it is easy to get wet. Therefore, it is necessary to store Hankoxin in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.
Hankoxin medicine is used to supplement vitamin A for the body and minerals. Therefore, users should carefully read the information before use to bring the best results for health.

13 lượt đọc

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