Uses of mediphylamine

Mediphylamin contains Azolla microphylla - a mixture of vitamins, amino acids, phytosteroids, carotenoids, flavonoids used to relieve pain in cancer patients, slow the growth of tumors, fight depression body.

1. What is the effect of mediphylamine?

Some uses of Mediphylamin:
Provide vitamins and trace elements to promote the activity of cells to enhance health, improve intelligence, fight body weakness. Increase protein and hemoglobin in the blood Helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood Support cancer treatment, reduce pain, reduce weight loss, speed up the recovery process. Reducing the harmful effects of radiation in cancer treatment with radiation therapy and chemotherapy, helping patients increase resistance. The drug is used to reduce the spread and growth of tumors, reduce the possibility of metastasis and prolong the survival time for patients with cancer. The doctor will prescribe mediphylamine for use in the following cases:
Used for adults in the following cases: people who have just gotten sick, patients who have just finished surgery, the body is weakened by labor, strenuous sports , lactating women, cases of fatigue, loss of appetite. Use for young children: Children with malnutrition, physical weakness, growth retardation, anorexia, children with malabsorption disorders or needing to supplement with minerals and amino acids. For cancer patients: Patients undergoing cancer treatment need to minimize the harmful effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

2. Dosage of mediphylamin

Specific dosage will depend on the condition and severity of the disease, users need to follow the doctor's prescription.
Dosage for patients with debilitated body: Use 4 tablets/day, divided into 2 oral doses. Dose for cancer patients after radiation therapy Initial dose: Should be used as Mediphylamine 500mg, Take 2 tablets/time, take 4 times/day after meals for half an hour, use continuously for 3 to 6 months.
Maintenance dose: Take daily, take 2 Mediphylamin tablets 250mg/time, take 3 times a day to improve resistance, reduce the possibility of tumor metastasis, reduce the possibility of disease recurrence.
In addition to using Mediphylamin alone, patients can combine with some other drugs such as antioxidants, drugs to reduce the spread and growth of malignant cells according to the doctor's instructions.
Dosage for children with physical weakness, fatigue: Apply to patients over 3 years old, use 1 tablet / time, 2 times / day.

3. Be careful when using mediphylamin

When using the drug, it is necessary to pay attention to the following issues:
Do not use the drug if you are allergic to any ingredient of the drug The patient has any health problems, it is necessary to consult a doctor You are pregnant and breast-feeding: There are no studies on the safety or risks of this medicine in these two cases, so consult your doctor before use medicine. In case of overdose and experiencing side effects, contact the nearest medical center. Handling missed dose: In case of missed dose, the patient should take it again as soon as possible, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip it and take the next dose at the scheduled time. Do not make up for a missed dose by taking a double dose.

4. Drug interactions

Drugs can change the effects of other drugs or increase side effects, so to reduce drug interactions, patients need to inform their doctor or pharmacist, including prescription drugs. prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, functional foods.
To ensure safety during drug use, patients should not arbitrarily increase the dose or decrease the dose without the permission of the doctor.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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