Uses of Myderison 50mg

Myderison medicine 50mg belongs to the group of muscle relaxants, the main ingredient is Tolperisone. Myderison 50mg is commonly used to treat spasticity in adults after a stroke.

1. What is Myderison 50mg?

Myderison 50mg belongs to the group of muscle relaxants, the main ingredient is Tolperisone. This active ingredient has the effect of relaxing skeletal muscles, attaching to nerve tissues and inhibiting reflex arcs, inhibiting calcium channels.
Myderison 50mg is prepared as a film coated tablet and is indicated for use in the following cases:
Symptomatic treatment of muscle spasticity, muscle spasms, hypertonia in adults after stroke, inflammation cerebrospinal disease, spinal cord disease, pyramidal lesions, multiple sclerosis, spondylolisthesis, joint disease; Treatment of rehabilitation after trauma, orthopedic surgery; Treatment of peripheral arterial spasm, claudication, cyanosis of extremities; Treatment of another encephalopathy with dystonia, Little's disease.

2. Usage and dosage of Myderison 50mg

How to use Myderison 50mg : The drug is taken orally, taken during or after eating. During the use of the drug, it is necessary to eat well to ensure and increase the bioavailability of Tolperisone.
Dosage of Myderison 50mg specifically as follows:
Adults: The usual dose is 150-450 mg/day, divided into 3 oral doses a day. Dosage is adjusted according to the patient's ability to respond; Patients with renal impairment, hepatic impairment: Dosage should be considered for each patient with moderate renal and hepatic impairment, and patients should be closely monitored for liver/kidney function and disease status. Patients with severe renal and hepatic impairment should not take the drug. Research data on overdose of Myderison 50 is limited and there is currently no specific antidote for Myderison. In case of overdose, the patient should be treated with general symptoms and supportive measures.

3. Side effects of the drug Myderison 50mg

Myderison 50mg medicine can cause some unwanted side effects with the following frequency:
Uncommon: Anorexia, dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, indigestion, insomnia, sleep disturbances, somnolence, headache, dizziness, hypotension, fatigue, muscle pain, muscle weakness, pain in the extremities, weakness, irritability in the body; Rare: Myderison 50mg has rarely caused hypersensitivity reactions, anaphylaxis, depression, decreased activity, loss of sensation, sensory disturbances, concentration disturbances, convulsions, tremors, lethargy, confusion. vision, dizziness, tinnitus, hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia, angina pectoris, flushing, tachypnea, dyspnea, epistaxis, epigastric pain, flatulence, constipation, vomiting, illness mild liver disease, atopic dermatitis, rash, urticaria, itching, increased sweating, discomfort in the extremities, proteinuria, enuresis, thirst, sensation of heat, intoxication, excitability, increased bilirubin and abnormal changes in liver enzymes, decreased platelets, increased white blood cells; Very rare: Myderison 50 very rarely causes anemia, lymphadenopathy, anaphylaxis, extreme thirst, confusion, bradycardia, low bone density, chest discomfort, increased creatinine levels. If you see any unusual symptoms when using Myderison 50mg, you need to stop taking it and contact your doctor, pharmacist or go to a medical facility for advice and appropriate treatment instructions, to limit the impact on health. and life.

4. Some notes when using Myderison 50mg

Do not use Myderison 50mg in people with hypersensitivity to the drug's ingredients, people with myasthenia gravis, women who are breastfeeding; People with liver failure, kidney failure, pregnant women, sensitive to Lidocaine, lactose intolerant should be cautious when using Myderison 50mg. If there are signs of hypersensitivity reactions (women, people with a history of allergies are often at a higher risk) should stop taking the drug immediately and do not re-use in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; Limit activities that require high concentration such as driving, operating machines because Myderison 50 can cause dizziness, dizziness, loss of concentration, blurred vision, seizures or muscle weakness; Pregnant women are only allowed to use Myderison 50mg when absolutely necessary and the benefit is higher than the effect on the fetus because the research data on this group of subjects is limited; Myderison 50mg may interact with drugs: increased blood levels of drugs metabolised by CYP2D6 when administered concomitantly, consider dose reduction if co-administered with other muscle relaxants, niflumic acid or other NSAIDs; To limit and avoid the effects caused by drug interactions, before taking Myderison 50, patients need to tell their doctor/pharmacist about their medical history as well as medications (with and without prescription), real functional products or herbs that have been and are being used. The use of Myderison 50mg is to relax muscles in cases of muscle spasms, muscle spasms due to injury, stroke and some other bone and joint diseases. In addition, Myderison 50 is also used to treat trauma or surgery. Patients need to use the drug as prescribed by the doctor to ensure safety and maximize the effectiveness of treatment.

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