Uses of NadyGan

NadyGan is a cooling medicine that helps to nourish the liver and detoxify the liver. When taking drugs, you should refer to additional information to avoid interactions affecting drug effects. Here are some shares to help you understand what NadyGan medicine treats?

1. Uses of NadyGan

NadyGan is made from gotu kola, plantain and dandelion. Gotu kola is a natural antibiotic that can support collagen synthesis to help wounds heal. In addition, when using gotu kola can cure urinary retention, detoxify and clear heat for patients with cirrhosis of the liver. Psyllium has diuretic, cough and anti-inflammatory effects, and also produces a protective film on the intestinal mucosa. Dandelion is used to detoxify liver enzymes to help improve digestive disorders.
NadyGan drugs are often indicated for use in cases such as:
Clearing heat Detoxifying the liver Reducing liver enzymes Increasing bile secretion Diuretic reducing boils Treat heat rash Liver dysfunction Detoxify patients who drink a lot NadyGan does not on the list of designated prescriptions. However, to ensure the use, you should consult your doctor for advice on how to use it to get the best results.

2. Dosage and how to use NadyGan

NadyGan is made in tablet form for oral use. You should consult your doctor or pharmacist in advance for instructions. Dosage of the drug will be adjusted according to the patient's condition, age and body weight.
Adults are usually instructed to use 3 - 4 tablets at a time. It should be taken 3 times a day and used at fixed times to ensure the drug is completely eliminated. Children who want to use NadyGan need to consult a doctor. For young children, the dose will be reduced to half and still used 3 times a day. In addition, the dose can be calculated based on weight and functional capacity. There is no specific patient dose for self-administration. To ensure the effectiveness of the drug, you should consult your doctor for advice on how to use it and how to calculate the dose according to your current health.

3. Notes before taking NadyGan

Before use, it is necessary to check the risk of allergic reactions to dandelion, plantain, centella asiatica... Some patients who cannot adapt to the fishy taste of gotu kola or the bitter taste of dandelion also need it. reassess the appropriateness of this drug. In addition, other ingredients should also pay attention to check to avoid allergies appear to be dangerous to health.
Before taking NadyGan, patients should conduct a general health check. In case of detecting risk or having problems such as spleen damage and digestive disorders, please notify your doctor to change another drug, because NadyGan is contraindicated for use when the user has such symptoms.
NadyGan drug solves the problem of urinary retention, so it should be noted with young children and elderly subjects. In these two groups of subjects, it is easy to lose control when urinating, so it is necessary to consider taking drugs to avoid increasing sensitivity when you want to urinate leading to loss of control.
Although it is a natural herb, it is not allowed to arbitrarily use for pregnant and lactating women. Currently, the drug has not been shown to affect the health of women. However, to be on the safe side, you should avoid using the drug while pregnant or breastfeeding.

4. NadyGan side effects

Nadygan medicine is made from natural herbal ingredients, so it rarely causes dangerous side effects for users. Side effects may cause an allergy to herbs because the patient is intolerant to the ingredients or has been allergic to the herb before.
In addition to allergies, the body will appear reactions such as fatigue, discomfort when first used. The safety of natural herbs is often thoroughly researched before use. So you can rest assured about this product. But still monitor your health and talk to your doctor regularly to detect abnormalities early.

5. Interactions with Nadygan

Nadygan should not be used with diuretics. The use of Nadygan has a diuretic function, if used with other diuretics, it will lead to an overdose. According to recorded studies, Nadygan drug may reduce absorption, leading to reduced effectiveness.
The interactions of Nadygan drugs are not too complicated, so patients should pay attention to inform the doctor about the drugs they are taking. Based on the current prescription and the patient's health, the doctor will advise and guide the patient on medication use and adjust a suitable and healthy lifestyle.
Nadygan is used to detoxify, cool the liver and fight inflammation. When using the drug, you should consult more instructions from your pharmacist or doctor to ensure its effectiveness.

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